Guest Speaker

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Well hello there! I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I've been dealing with stuff for the past few days. Wasn't in too much of a good mood. Anyway, cleared all that stuff up so let's get to this chapter shall we? Enjoy!

Chapter 4: Guest Speaker

Crimson sat in the class and listened as the teacher gave instructions. She wasn't listening though. Her mind was elsewhere not worrying about school.

"Ok class..." She heard the teacher say.

"Our Guest Speaker will be coming shortly. So be prepared and on your best behavior."

'Guest Speaker?' Crimson thought as her eyes drifted back to the front of the class.

She must've missed out on everything the teacher said. 'Dammit' Crimson stated to herself.

Soon enough the guest speaker arrived. He walked in and greeted the class.

"Good afternoon everyone. My name is Mr. Collins..." She heard him say as he introduced himself.

Crimson's eyes widened.

'Mr. Collins?' Was it Sheriff Collins?

She looked at him in silent wonder.

It sure did look like him. He had the same small beard and short hair. Except that this one wore glasses. It still looked like the Sheriff though just with glasses.

"Excuse me young lady?" He asked catching Crimson off guard.

"Yes, sir?" She wondered.

"Could you tell me your name?"

She nodded answering. "Crimson Waves, sir." She implied.

He nodded.

"Wonderful name. Almost has a deeper meaning to it, correct?" He inquired.

She raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Yes, sir?"

He laughed and continued on to the rest of the class.

She sat there looking at Mr. Collins. He seemed strange. Off even.

She stopped worrying about it and sighed. She was too tired to care at the moment.

"Mr. Collins?" A girl with dark brown hair asked.

"Yes, young lady?"

"What do you do exactly? For a living?" She questioned.

This seemed to put Mr. Collins in thought. Strange?

He smiled suddenly after six minutes of intense silence. "Well, I try to help homeless children. Give them proper homes and what not."

That sounded like a dirty lie.

Crimson wasn't the kind to call out foul play but this was wrong. Although, she still kept her mouth shut and listened.


Mr. Collins had been talking to the class for a good hour now. Half of the class was either sleep or not paying attention.

Crimson was both listening and caught in her thoughts.

'Why would he want to lie about his job?' She continued to wonder about Mr. Collins character.

He seemed like a shady guy. Not saying much of anything but a lot at the same time. He was kinda hard to figure out.

The thing more confusing was he resembled the Sheriff too much. His voice sounded the same too. Plus his dialogue was the exact same.

Was it really the Sheriff in disguise? But why would he do something like that? Especially when she's in school? This further frustrated Crimson to the core.

She would figure this out sooner or later.

"Ok then. I guess I should be off. I've been talking the whole class period it seems." Mr. Collins stated with a chirp.

'I'll say' Crimson thought.

Mr. Collins thanked the teacher for having him and waved at the class. He exited the door after looking at Crimson.

It made her uneasy.

He had a certain look that made her skin he was saying something. She shook the feeling off and continued to gather her things when the bell rang.

Well she hoped that her other classes would go without a bother. That was too much to ask though.

School itself was a bother.


Crimson got home and pulled out her work. She was tired as hell but still had to complete her work.

Math and Science... her favorites.

"Life is a true drag." Crimson claimed as she fell on the her bed.

She inhaled as she closed her eyes. Exhaling when she decided to get up and grab her work. She started off with science. She was better at it than math anyway.

While reading the instructions Crimson's mind started to drift to the events that occurred that day. Her mind going to the particular subject of mystery... Mr. Collins.

She had yet to uncover the secrets of this man. Why he lied about his job, why he resembled the Sheriff heavily, and the look he gave her. What was he up to exactly? Who was he really? These questions further drove Crimson insane.

"Ugh!" She shouted in defeat giving up.

The whole thing made her head hurt and her brain barf.

She looked back down at her science homework and thought about her job. She kinda didn't want to go back to that school. It kinda gave her an uneasy feeling.

The experience she had was still crazy and weird. She even had nightmares about it. Someone would be chasing her and she would get trapped in a classroom every time.

It was weird.

She shook her head beridding the thought. She wanted to get this work done and sleep. Hopefully it would be a dreamless sleep.

That would be comforting to know.


Finally, I felt like I was getting nowhere with this chapter. I'm sensing both good and bad vibes on this story. I want to continue it but I'm not feeling it. I will try to update sooner and hopefully have this done soon. Good night and hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!

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