40. A Thanksgiving (Part 4)

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Costanzo stepped outside the shower and dried himself up with his towel. His mind was everywhere as he was dressing himself up. He thought back to the events that had happened. He had lost Elize. But had found Amaranta. He was determined to make it work with her but he wasn't sure if he was going to get the chance. She was a hostage and her faith was in Francesco's hands. He wasn't sure what Francesco had planned for Amaranta and that worried him. He was hoping to speak to Francesco about Amaranta but just had to find the time. But again he wasn't even sure if he wanted to push Francesco. Afterall, it wanst just Amaranta who was on his mind. Francesco had issued Costanzo with an ultimatum to come up with how he wanted to take revenge on their parents. He didn't look forward to talking about the topic with Francesco at all. He didn't look forward to that day at all actually. thanksgiving day brought back dak memories. He felt lonely on every thanksgiving morning he ever remembered.

But part of him was reassuring him that this thanksgiving was going to be different since unlike the previous years, there were going to be more people. Last year it was just him, Antonio and Francesco at the table but not this day.

The Thanksgiving afternoon that Francesco had planned was a long one since Francesco wanted to be best even at hosting an event he hated. It was going to be a cheese tasting and wine tasting reception starting at noon unlike any other year. There were going to be a variety of choices of cheese and wine all made by Francesco's own companies in the afternoon followed by music and dance. Then it was dinner time of course.

Now that Adele was here, coincidently the people around the thanksgiving table had multiplied and he was hoping that the people present were going to make this thanksgiving memorable. The memories of all thanksgiving dinners with his father and uncle haunted him. It was always like any dinner. Hardly any words were spoken and he couldn't wait to get out the dining room since all he could think of was memories of his mother and her empty place at the table. Thanksgiving dinners were meant to be spent with all living family. His mother was alive but was never invited or she was going to be tortured and killed by his father. So in many ways Costanzo was thankful that his mother wasn't around for his father to torment and safely protected by their uncle.

Costanzo couldn't help wondering that only if ..... Francesco found it within him to forgive his father then the thanksgiving dinner could even be merrier. Their father was intending on re-marrying their mother. Their uncle was being reunited with his run away wife too. Everything had changed so suddenly. Only if Francesco was thinking more about forgiving his family rather than taking revenge on them, everything could be simpler. He had no idea of Francesco's plans now that they were informed by Amaranta in her interrogation that Paulo Rosario was in Sicily to marry his mother, Mariana. He cringed at the thoughts of possibilities of Francesco going on a revenge mission that Costanzo knew his brother was planning all his life.

As Costanzo dressed up he walked out of the bathroom. He then was frozen in spot as he saw non other than Francesco waiting for him. Francesco was standing at the window looking outside.

Francesco didn't turn around turned and put his hands behind his back as he spoke " Good morning or rather should I say, good afternoon. It took you long enough to get out of the shower. Have you thought about my question? You must know why I am here."

Costanzo knew what he was referring to. The one thing he still didn't want to think about. He cautiously walked to his brother and spoke " Happy thanksgiving brother...,."

Francesco surprised his brother by laughing bitterly "You are always the one to dodge questions. When are you going to stand up and face your challenges."

Costanzo stood a step behind his brother but looking outside the window like him. He spoke "I am sorry. What are you looking at?"

Francesco sighed "Again. You are trying to distract me. But you may get away with it this time. I am not here just to collect what I want to hear and leave. I am also here to share with you some interesting information I heard from Alessio Voltolini that could change the personal situation we are in. My personal vendetta against our father and uncle has taken a twist. I went to see Alessio last night. By the sounds of it,.... our father has developed a conscious."

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