77. The Wedding (Part 3)

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Francesco and Adele were walking hand in hand as man and wife down the aisle away from the altar towards the exit as the guests were offering their congratulations. Francesco had his arm protectively wrapped around her waist as they were slowly making their way towards the exit of the church building. The best man O'Neil as well as the bridesmaids Anna and Georgina were walking behind the newlywed couple. Costanzo, Arturo and Antonio were walking ahead.

As Francesco and Adele stepped outside confetti and rose petals were thrown at them. They looked at each other and smiled. Just in that moment they felt the flash of a camera. They looked forward and saw a photographer snapping subsequent pictures. Once the photographer was satisfied with the confetti shot, he shouted instructions for the close relatives to stand around waiting their turn to take pictures with the bride and groom.

While photos were taken, Francesco's posture didn't change. He was looking forward and holding Adele protectively as pictures were taken with different people. The bridesmaids and best men took pictures with the bride and groom. Then the Don and his wife. Then his sons stood around him alongside his daughter in laws.

As the Don and his sons were standing around the couple, Paulo Rosario was the one who ended up next to Francesco. Francesco's mother, Maria stood next to Adele. Adele was surprised to see Francesco didn't even tense up and there was no sign of protest about his father's presence next to him. His father was pushing his luck too by wrapping his arm around his son's shoulder. It felt like hours to Adele as the photographer gave instructions about how to stand and where to look. Adele was worried that a confrontation was bound to break out but Francesco reassured her by turning to her and kissing her from time to time whispering loving words to her making her know all that was on his mind was her.

Once the photographer was satisfied he shouted "Very good. Who are next to take pictures?"

Paulo stepped away from Francesco and just when Adele thought he was gone, he turned to Francesco " You walked fast past me at the church. I wanted to give you my wedding wish... I hope your first born child is a son like how mine is."

Francesco didn't respond. He wanted to say he was no son of his. Fathers weren't meant to hurt their sons. The irony in his father's words made Francesco laugh. He shook his head "How thoughtful of you?" He then turned to his mother who was looking at the couple with emotional eyes. He spoke softly to his mother "Doesn't Adele look beautiful?"

Maria nodded as she smiled while tears were escaping her eyes. They were tears of joy of course. "She does look beautiful."

To Adele, Francesco's mother looked so elegant. Her smile resembled Francesco's very much. Francesco may have inherited his father's eyes but he had his mother's smile.

Adele spoke "Thank you for the necklace. It is very kind of you. I really love it."

Maria spoke as she looked kindly at Adele "I am so honoured you decided to accept it and wear it on your wedding day." She then looked up at her son "I wish you and Adele joyful days and a truly happy marriage alongside each other."

Francesco thought to himself "Joyful days that you didn't have." Of course his father had wished him what he had and his mother had wished him what she, herself never had. Even there was contrast in their wedding wishes.

Francesco turned and saw his father standing there staring at his wife "He can achieve anything Maria. I taught him."

Francesco thought to himself. "Of course. The son you raised was taught how not to treat his woman and his children. I want to see you drop dead in a grave."

Just then, his uncle Pietro came and asked Paulo to come with Maria for a separate photoshoot with the Don.

The next group of people took pictures with the bride and the groom. They were then replaced for another group. After all the pictures finished, it was time for the couple to make their way to the Don's mansion for the reception. The long line of black cars with tinted windows were waiting for the couple and the guests meters away from the church.

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