61. Meeting His Family

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Francesco had his arm wrapped around Adele's waist as they were sitting at the back seat of the car driven by one of the men sent by Francesco's grandfather Don Vitorio. Next to him, sat the Don's lawyer, Marco. The Don had been very specific about his instructions. He had even specified which car Francesco had to be seated in and with whom just like how Antonio and Costanzo had to be seated in a certain car following Francesco's. The cars filled with guards were also surrounding Francesco's car moving towards their destination. Adele had noticed the lack of cars on the roads. Had they blocked the roads for them too? She couldn't be surprised if they did or was it just they were using a special route.

Francesco whispered to Adele " Are you alright sweetheart. Do you need anything?"

Adele looked at Francesco and spoke " I am fine. Thank you. Are you?"

Francesco muttered "Why wouldn't I be? I have you next to me sweetheart."

Marco spoke as he was looking at the front view mirror " Have you told the lady about our family. I know she is a civilian. She must be confused and worried. Shall I explain anything you wish me to?"

Francesco spoke " I haven't told Adele anything about Don Vitorio. I never thought I would have to visit him. I only came here to settle a score with my father and uncle. That was about it. I wasn't going to see the Don so I never saw the point of telling anything to Adele. I never expected to be ambushed by his army of men here. Since when does the old man work with the authorities and checks who comes and goes?"

Marco shook his head " Don would be very displeased if he heard this. You can't possibly look into the eyes of the Don to tell him you were here to settle a score with his flesh and blood. You can't say that. You also can't possibly tell him you were not going to visit him."

Francesco spoke " You will report to him either way......"

Marco spoke " I would not dare tell Don Vitorio. Pietro will know what you said but not Don Vittorio unless I am asked a question specifically about what you said."

Francesco sighed " Of course. My dear uncle Pietro..... The old man should retire before he arranges a take over. Has he got any children yet?"

Adele was shocked " Uncle.... Did you say uncle?"

Francesco turned to Adele. His tone turned softer " I am sorry I never told you. I never wanted you to find out about my family in Sicily. I am not proud of the family who did nothing for me to change my life for the better. I have an uncle that you do not know about who is the eldest child of my grandfather. He is to take over from my grandfather at some point as the head of the Rosario family in Sicily."

Adele was deep in thought " There is so much I don't know about your family.... But how can your grandfather be the head of family at old age."

It was Marco who replied " The Don is very healthy and he is not that old. His age difference with Francesco is hardly forty years. He was married at sixteen and his children followed and married at eighteen. The next generation seem to be quite reluctant to do anything for the good of this family. They either marry late, don't marry at all, they get divorce and when they reunite they want to retire. Look at Piero and Paulo. They had children and gave them their business and thought it was goodbye. The Don will change that. He wants them by his side, helping him and Pietro take over the businesses and assets that were lost to enemies years ago and should rightfully belong to Rosarios. This is a new dawn and things can only get better. Pietro's wife is finally pregnant after years and years of hope and medical treatments. The don is hoping she has a boy. So there is a heir in Sicily. He asked you so many times to return and you refused to come and refused to let Antonio and Costanzo come too. Now the Don's prayers are answered and he can rely on Sofia's pregnancy to be giving him some heir in Sicily."

A Mob Boss's Family (Book 2 Of The New York Mafia Trilogy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu