Yours and Only Yours

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*(Y/N/N) = your nick name *

*(Y/B/N) = your brother's name*

You were seated next to your girlfriend, Lauren, in your car as you drove towards your high school campus. You looked over at the black haired girl as she gazed out the passenger side window, absentmindedly twirling her hair around her index finger. You smiled at her, reaching over to grab her left hand that was resting in her lap. You stroke the warm skin of her palm and bring it to your lips before kissing it gently. She turned her head to face you, a warm and genuine smile tugging at her red lips.

As you pull up into the parking lot, you take one last glance at Lauren before letting go of her hand and getting out the car. You rushed over to her side of the car and opened the door for her, gesturing for her to take your hand. She did, blushing all the while. "You're a real hopeless romantic, you know that (Y/N)?" You nod quickly before kissing her cheek sweetly. She giggled and connected your lips in a short yet sweet kiss. You watched as she walked off to her locker which, unfortunately , was five rows away from yours. As she closed her locker, she winked at you and walked off swaying her hips a little more than necessary.

Seven excruciating hours later, school was over and you couldn't be happier. It was Friday, meaning you were driving your little brother to soccer practice and thereafter you would return to school to pick Lauren up and take her home. As you walked out the building and headed to your car, you heard giggling and chuckling coming from around the corner. Your ears perked up at the familiar sound of Lauren's giggling, usually music to your ears but now however made you very anxious. You walked closer to the source of the laughter and peered around the corner, only to see something that made your blood boil and fists ball.

Lauren was sitting on a bench under the trees on the quad, surrounded by jocks and drama geeks. But something worse, her ex boyfriend Brad was sitting next to her holding her hand and making her give cute little giggles; something only you were allowed to do. The sight made you jealous and to say the least, angry. Lauren laughed, throwing her head back at something Brad said. As she brought her head to an upright position, her eyes locked with yours. She was taken back by the anger prominent on your face, something she wasn't used to seeing since you were usually very shy and innocent. She looked at her position in between Brad and the other boys, and she realised what you thought was happening. She stood up and yanked her hand from Brad's grip, running to where you were.

You weren't in the mood for a confrontation so you ran over to your car and got in, locking the doors when you saw she was about to open the passenger side door. "(Y/N)! Let me explain!" You huffed at her typical words and put your car in reverse, speeding away from her and the drama she had just created.

You arrived at your brothers school and saw he was already waiting for you. Once he saw you he ran and opened the car door and climbed in, closing it before putting his seatbelt on. "Hey sissy. How you?" He asked you, a little too cheerfully for your liking. Since the whole incident with Lauren back at school you've been highly irritable. But you decided to put on a brave front and act as if nothing had happened. "I'm okay little bro, how're you?" You ask, trying to sound as happy as possible. "What's wrong (Y/N)? And don't you dare even think about lying to me." You look back at your brother, shocked at how easily he can read you. "Look, just because I'm not talking with confidence doesn't mean something's wrong (Y/B/N)." "And just because I'm ten doesn't mean I don't know when my sister's upset." You just look at him, contemplating on weather or not you should tell him.

After deciding to tell him everything, you were surprised at the advice your ten year old brother had to give. He told you to just hear her our, maybe she did have a good reason for what was happening. But even if she did have a good reason, that still doesn't justify her allowing her ex boyfriend to touch her in any way remotely romantic. After hearing what he had to say, you were feeling a little bit like an ass. You shouldn't have just left her there the way you did.

After dropping him off at his soccer practice, you drove back to your school hoping Lauren was still there and didn't decide to walk home or let Brad talk her into letting him take her home. As you pull up in the parking lot, there is not a car in sight; no people either. Your heart drops into your stomach, realising Lauren was probably not here. Just as you were about drive away, you saw a backpack laying on the floor near the doors of the school building. You get out of your car, recognizing the bag as your girlfriend's. You run to it and pick it up, looking around hoping to see her sitting somewhere.

"Looking for me?" You hear a husk yet mellow voice call to you from inside the building. You look at her and a sigh of relief finds its way out of your mouth. She giggles and makes her way over to you, hands in her pockets. "Ready to let me explain?" You nod, but stop her before she can get a word out. "I just want to apologise for leaving the way I did. I was just surprised and a little angry when I saw him touching you like that. I should've let you explain when you ran to my car, I just didn't have the stomach for confrontation. I'm sorry Laur, I really am." She smiles and walks closer to you, taking your right hand in hers. "Its okay (Y/N), I understand why you did that. Honestly I would've done the same." She states, smiling shyly. "Okay, so on to the explanation. What happened was I fell on my way into Math class. As you already know, Brad is in my Math class and he saw me fall and helped me. He saw I hurt my hand so he took me to the nurse and she gave me some cream and gauze to put on it. We sat on the bench outside the building and he offered to help me with the cream." She said that while looking at the ground, making your heart hurt just a little. "I shouldn't have let him, and I knew that, but he as just so persistent I let him just to shut him up. He kept making jokes about how I fell, and you know how funny I find it when I'm clumsy, so that's why I was laughing. Nothing happened (Y/N/N), I promise you. I didn't like that he was being so friendly. I was just thinking of how I want to get away from him and get back to you. I'm sorry I let him touch me though, I know I shouldn't have."

You stood there listening to her words very carefully. Once she finished her little rant, you looked into her eyes and saw remorse and what's worse, fear. You stepped closer to her, cupping her cheek while looking into her emerald green eyes. You drew a breath before leaning in and capturing her lips with yours in a sweet, slow and passionate kiss. When you pulled away, you looked into her eyes searching for the fear you saw moments before. The fear was now replaced with tears, making your heart ache. "What's wrong baby?" She chuckles and shakes her head. "Nothing. You're amazing is all. And you're all mine, just like I'm all yours and only yours."


Hey guys! Wow, two updates in one day! I am on fire!

Hope you enjoyed this one and I hope I did this idea justice @EmAnneCharlie12 .



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