Good Girls //1

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You looked up at Lauren's bedroom window from where you stood on the front lawn. You thought back to when you two did this for the first time around a year ago; sneaking around like this wasn't something you particularly wanted to do, but with her parents being helicopter parents and being so strict when it came to her having a social life, there really was no other choice.

Lauren's bedroom window opened and our popped the raven-haired girls beautiful face. She smiled when she saw you. "Hey there, my princess in shining armor." She whispered, just loud enough for you to hear. You giggled, shaking your head. She always did have a way of making you smile in the most untimely situations.

Before you knew it Lauren was standing in front of you, a wide smile on her face. She leaned in and pecked your lips, then pulled back with her hands interlocked behind your neck. She seemed to be studying you, her green eyes burying into you. She sighed and released her hold on you and began walking off the lawn and following the street to where your motorbike stood. Your bike was parked a few blocks down from her house, otherwise it would wake her parents.

She opened the cubby and took out her helmet before handing you yours. You smiled softly and thanked her, earning a soft hum from your girlfriend. You frowned. What did I do now... You thought to yourself. You shook off your insecurities and hopped on the bike, feeling Lauren's arms wrap around your waist. You started your bike and headed towards the place the two of you always met up: a cliff which was known as 'Look out Point'. Original name, right?

As soon as you two arrived, Lauren was the first to hop off. She went and stood as close as she dare got to the edge, seeing as she was a little scared of heights. You knew something was bothering her, and you wanted nothing more than to take her in your arms and tell her it'll all be okay, but you had a feeling your spontaneous romantic ethics weren't going to make her feel better this time.

You went to her and wrapped your arms around her, feeling her tense up but soon relax at your sudden touch. She leaned her head back against your shoulder and sighed softly. "Laur, what's going on?" You tried to make your question sound as un-judgmental as you could. She unwrapped your arms from her waist and turned to look at you. Her usually vibrant and smiling green eyes were now a dull colour. It scared you.

"Y/N, you know how my father has been traveling in and out of the country these past few months, right?" You nodded slowly. She sighed. "Well, he was offered a job promotion..." She trailed off, rubbing her hands over her face. She removed her hands and looked at you before a tear made itself known as it slid down her perfectly formed cheek. You instinctively raised your hand to wipe it away. She leaned into your hand, kissing your palm. "What you trying to tell me, babe?" You tried to sound as calm as you could, but you knew she saw you were uncomfortable. "We have to move to England." Your eyes widened as the truth was settling itself in your mind. She began talking, probably to explain, but you zoned out. You heard close to nothing of her explanation.

"Y/N, baby please listen to me." Her pleading voice caught your attention and your head slowly rose to meet her sad gaze. You wiped a tear that sat at the corner of your eye. She kneeled down in front of you and a soft and cold finger slid under your chin to make you meet her eyes. When you did, you almost lost it right there.

"I don't want to go. I've made every argument I could to try and make my parents understand why it wouldn't be so bad if I stayed. But they won't have it." She lowered her hand from your face and you almost whimpered at the loss of contact. "When do you leave?" She drew a shaky breath. She held up two fingers at you and tears started falling more freely down her beautiful face. "Two weeks." Two weeks? You didn't know what to say to that.

After a few minutes of absolute silence between the two of you, too stood up and offered to take her home. She nodded and took your hand as you lead her to your bike.

The ride back to her house was silent and somewhat uncomfortable. You knew what was coming yet you wanted to postpone it as long as possible. But you knew you were postponing the inevitable.

You pulled up to your usual stop and turned off the engine, not knowing what to do next. You felt Lauren lean her head against your back, and you felt her shake a little. Not wanting her to feel like this, you stood and took her face in your hands and kissed her with as much passion as you could muster. She responded slowly, but soon she let her heart run her mouth. After what felt like an eternity of kissing, you pulled back and rested your forehead against hers. You were panting slightly, as was she. As your eyes met the both of you let out a soft chuckle.

You looked at her with sad eyes. "I'm gonna miss you, Lauren Jauregui." You said as you lifted your forehead from hers. She sighed and held your hands. She brought your left hand up to her lips and kissed it softly. "I'm gonna miss you too Y/N. So much." You smiled weakly and pulled away from her completely now, looking down at the ground. You sniffed and brought your hands to your face to wipe the tears. "Well, I bet all those English girls are cute. You won't be missing me for long." Your statement was meant to be a little humorous, but when you looked up you saw her close her eyes and shake her head. She didn't say anything; she just walked up to you, kissed you softly and walked away.

You watched as she began climbing up the tree that stood in front of her bedroom. You saw her disappear into her bedroom window, and you felt the emptiness begin to take over your heart. She wasn't yours anymore. She was now a free bird who would soon be snatched by some English accent. You couldn't bare the thought, but you knew you couldn't do much about it. You walked back to your bike and hopped on, speeding away. She's not mine. She's not mine. Those words kept replaying over and over in your mind. You didn't know what you'd do without her, but you'd soon have to find out.


Hey guys!

Sorry it's been so long since my last update. I've got some exciting stuff brewing in my works, and I hope to soon publish the first chapter of one of them.



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