Say Somethig //2

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You never thought you'd do that; you never thought you're break up with her. It's been almost 3 months since that day, and so far you've been a mess. You couldn't shake the image of her on top of him; it haunted you. You were sitting on the couch in your parents house, staring a the T.V. You tried to pay attention, but you just couldn't. Your brain always found its way back to Lauren.

Maybe I was too harsh... You thought, letting your head fall into your lap. You sat like that for a few minutes, trying to convince yourself otherwise, but you couldn't. But what she did deserved my reaction... You said to yourself, now sitting up right. You didn't know what to do.

"Honey, can you here quickly please?" You heard your mother call from the kitchen. You mumbled a 'yeah' and let your heavy feet drag you to the kitchen. Your mother looked up at you from where she stood, watching as you sat at the kitchen island. "Mom, can I ask you something?" You asked, looking down at your hands. She hummed in response, turning to throw what she was chopping into a pot. "Do you think I was too harsh on Lauren?" You asked quietly, looking at her now. She stopped what she was doing and looked at you, not bothering to continue with dinner. "Sweetie, I don't know. I mean, what she did was wrong, but only you can decide the outcome of this. She obviously has no say due to her actions, but you do. You have the power now." You look at her and smile weakly. "Mom, don't play wise-mother right now, please? I'm asking you as your daughter, not one of your students." You say, making her chuckle. "(Y/N/N), I really can't tell you what to do here, it's your decision. Maybe you were, but then again maybe you weren't. I wasn't there. But if I were you I'd give her a chance to explain herself." She answered before picking up the knife once more and chopping away at some carrots. You knew she had a point, but honestly you weren't ready to face her just yet.

A few hours after dinner you sat in your childhood bedroom, staring at the walls that were covered in posters. You giggled at yourself, trying to remember the reason why you were so obsessed with The Backstreet Boys. You then remember when Lauren came over to meet your parents for the first time and how she mocked you because of posters. You were rather offended, but she made up for it by giving you a passionate kiss. You smile at the memory, but then your heart began to ache. You realized that that was never going to happen again. You lay back and snuggled into a pillow, falling into a dreamless sleep.

You woke up at 3:47am. It was rather cold, the moon shining through the gaps in your curtains. You decided to go for a walk, to where you didn't know. You slipped your sneakers on and grabbed your favorite hoodie, that actually belonged to Lauren, and headed out the door. You walked for what seemed like hours, until you came to a stop at a rather familiar apartment complex. You sighed, reaching into your back pocket for the keys. As you walked into the building, the memories of exactly what happened flooded your mind. You were very keen on turning around and walking out but you knew you had to talk to her, even if it were almost 5 in the morning.

As you unlock the door to the apartment, you saw the T.V flashing in the lounge. It surprised you; you didn't expect her to be awake. You tried to be as quiet as possible, but as luck would have it your phone had to fall out of the hoodie pocket. You heard a gasp and then the shuffling of feet. "Wh-who's there?." You heard an angelic voice say. It made you smile a little, you always thought it was cute when she was a little scared. The floor boards creaked and another gasp was heard. "(Y/N)?" The voice said.

You cringed as the lights were turned on, squinting your eyes. "(Y/N)? Is that really you?" You drew a deep breath before speaking. "Yeah, it's me." You said, walking over to a little table by the door and placing your keys and phone down on it. "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to see me again?" You could hear the surprise and hope on her voice, and to be honest it made you want to run to her and kiss her. But you knew you couldn't; not yet anyway. "I uh- I don't know what I'm doing here. I went for a walk and magically ended up here." You said, walking closer to the raven haired girl.

"I decided to hear you out. I'm not saying I forgive you or that I want to try again, I just think I deserve a real explanation." You heard her sigh as she walked close to you. "Bab- (Y/N), I already gave you all the explanation I had. I don't know why I did it, I don't know what came over me, but what I do know is these past few months have been absolute fucking hell for me. I feel so guilty, and I get why, but I need you in my life. I've realized that you were more than just my girlfriend, you were my whole world. You were my muse, you were my inspiration, you were my shoulder to cry on, you were my rock. But most importantly you were the love of my life, and I threw that away." Her voice cracked at the last few words, and that's when you lost it. You ran to her and engulfed her in a giant hug, holding her close to you. After a few minutes, you pulled back. "Lo, I'm sorry I just left. I just couldn't believe what you did. I'm willing to give you another chance if-" she cut you off my kissing you right there and then. She pulled back and apologized, blushing slightly. "-if you promise to never hurt me again. I mean it Jauregui, if you hurt me again there will be a funeral in your future, and it will be a lot sooner than it should've been." You say threateningly. She nodded and kissed you once more, tackling you onto the couch in the process.


Hey guys! I hope this was a good way to end it... I personally wouldn't have handled this type of situation like this, but I didn't want to carry on with this imagine for too long.

I will update as soon as I can.



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