Chapter 32- Young Love

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I stared at his back as he went up the stairs and I cringed at the sound of the door banging shut

"I apologize for my son's behaviour" a voice said and Luna Entice appeared in the kitchen weaking her night robe

"Oh..Luna, Good evening" I greeted with a bow of my head she shook her head "Please call me mom" she said with a smile

I felt myself blush and laughed "My son" she said with a shake of her head "he might act stubborn...but he loves you" she said with a smile

I resisted the urge to laugh "Weird way of showing it" I said and she giggled "Xavieir loves you...he just doesn't know it yet" she said and I laughed she grabbed my hand and tilted her head

"Don't give up on him" she said squezing my hand I nodded "I wasn't planning on it" I answered and she smiled

I slept peacefully that night and woke up not so peacefully with Rave banging on my door "Sacaredypup wake up!" He screamed

And i hurried to the door and flung it open "I just missed the parents didn't I?!" I asked and Rave grinned

"Yeah you just missed the parents they left before dawn"  he said and i banged my head at the door "I didn't even bid them good bye" I groaned

Raven laughed "No its okay they wanted you to sleep in, says that sleep is good for a growong pup" he chastised and I glared at him

"Who you calling pup?" I sneered at him he raised his hands in surrender "Their words not mine" he said his eyes wide

"Now go and brush your teeth" he said pushing me back to the room I clasped my hands in the front of my mouth "Oops" I said my voice muffled by my hands

When I finally finished getting dressed I looked at the silent house and back to Raven "They left too?" I asked peering through the window to look at the drive way where only Raven's car is parked

Raven rolled his eyes "Yeah..." he scoffed before going out of the house I locked the front door and entered Rave's car

We entered english and my eyes flickered to where Alpha Xavier is seated, at the back of the class, he had the tip of a pencil between his lips as he read something

I want to be that pencil...

I sat at the seat next to Alice and she nodded her head at me "How's your weekend?" She asked and I smirked "The best"I ansswered "Yours?" I asked back

"The worst" she answered looking at the door where Jasmine and dreydon just went through "So you finally moved in" I said with a smile

Alice's cheeks reddened using her long black hair to cover her face but before we could really talk about it Mrs. Kings entered and it was I and Raven's cue

We played hangman, I lost and Rave dared me to slip a coin inside the pants of Lisa Barbers who wears low rise jeans- a little too low- so I did and pretended to write notes my eyes on Mrs. Kings as Lisa looked at us curiously

I was shock when hail sat next to me in geometry the only class we have together "Hey...Ash Jones right?" She asked me and I nodded my head fixing my glasses

"I'm hail" she introduced and I nodded my head "I know" i said and she smiled

"How's Gabriel?" She asked "Okay?" I said not reallly sure "Do you know his favorite food?" She asked and I would have raised my eyebrow is I can but since the art of raising an eyebrow is unknown to me I tilted my head whilst answering "Lasagne" I answered

Through out the whole period she asked me every single detail about Gabriel down to the color of his tooth brush which is red in any case that your curious which I highly doubt

"So how was the move?" I asked Alice at the end of the day as we walk towards Gabriel's locker "Getting out of my parents' house is surprisingly easy considering the fact that they almost pushed me out" she said sarcastically "It was kind of offending now that I think about it" she said with a shake of her head

We stopped at Gabriel's locker he had his back on us as he was fixing something in his locler I poked him and he jumped out of my touch

I retracted my hand quickly Gabriel whirled and gave out a sigh of relief "Holy shit ash, I thought it was that girl again" he said and I smiled and told them about geometry

Gabriel cringed in disgust after I was done with my story and he said "She follows me eveywhere she introduced herself to my parents she freaking goes to our house almost every single day I'm telling you that girl can't get a hint"

Alice opened her mouth to give a comment when her eyes widen looking behind me "Oh crap" she whispered whisking away from us towards Beta Jordan's side who was talking to Jasmine, with serious looks on their faces

I looked back at Gabriel who chuckled as Alice almost dragged Beta Jordan by the arm away from Jasmine

"Hey Gabriel" a voice screeched at out side and I felt Gabriel tensed as Hail neared us "Hi ash" she said before shifting her eyes back on Gabe

"Can you be my ride?" Hail asked pouting at Gabe who rolled his eyes straining away from Hail "Nope" he said popping his lips

"Please I'll cook your favorite" hail offered while Gabe started to walk away giving me a light tap on the cheek as a good bye

I watched him as Hail trailed by his side clinging at his arm while Gabe tried to shake her off

Aww...young love, so complicated, so entertaining sooo...

Before I could finish the thought I saw Jenna and Alpha Xavier she was pinching his lovely -what I could imagine-soft cheeks as they walk past

So freaking infuriating

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