Chapter 51- He's my hero or something like that

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"I'm so excited that we get to be room mates, we'll get to get to know each other better-" Jenna was saying and she kept on saying other nice stuff that I just drowned it out

She was fixing her things, putting her clothes cleanly on the dresser, I rolled my eyes and pushed my whole bag on my side of the closet and turned to exit the room

"Don't you just love your room mate?" Gabriel asked me sarcastically as I sat beside him on the couch I clutched my head in both hands

"She's nice..." I told him in an exasperated sigh "But every time I see her all I could see is her with him and..." I gritted my teeth I balled my fists

Gabriel tapped my head in a pitiful excuse of being comforting I pushed him off shaking my head at him, "Think of the positive side" Gabe said

I peered at him curiously "Which is...?" I asked Gabriel scoffed "I don't know...but there is a positive side...I'm sure Alpha Xavier will get tired of Jenna, I mean even beauty is tiring " he said

Then Jenna went out of the room in a white bikini, going out where the rest are swimming we eyed her hour glass figure as she walked past us her hips and hair swinging in a sensual manner

"Maybe not" I said Gabriel took a deep breath "Yeah...well, you have a good personality" Gabriel said with an uncertain smile

I rolled my eyes at him and he bumped his hips with mine before we walked out of the 'cabin' in a very non sensual manner try as we might

A shriek got our attention as Jordan picked Alice up to throw her on the the water

Then Alpha Xavier rises out of the water wavs crashing on his bare chest my heart constricted as he walked out of the waves

Water dripping from his black hair to his very, very toned chest to his stomach whose muscles' tightened in each step, he was wearing black and white board shorts and a black leather necklace with a wolf pendant that bounced from his collar bone

I felt my lips go dry as I continue to look at him, the sun showered him with gold his blue eyes like the ocean behind him his black hair wet and is slightly clinging to his forehead making him run his fingers through his hair shaking some of the water off

Ofcourse to ruin the perfect-and hot may I add- view, Jenna ran to him and clasped his hand pulling him back to the water my thudding heart shrunk down low to my stomach

I had to turn away for the sight of them hurt my eyes, like the too bright light of the sun I slowly walked away but was stopped by Raven

He had his arms crossed as he blocked my way "You're seriously not leaving me, here with them " he said pointing at Jenna and Alpha Xavier who were splashing each other with water,

"That's precisely why I'm leaving" I said trying to get past him, again he caught my arm "Hey, come on maybe I can persuade you" he said wiggling his eyebrows

"And how are you going to do that?" I challenged crossing my arms Rave's eyebrow quirked " it hot in here" he said

Throwing his shirt off his torso, over his head before dropping it to the sand, I eyed his toned torso and he smirked up at me

"Feeling persuaded?" He asked and I pushed him away laughing softly "Weirdo" I told him as he fell to the sand

"That's why you love me" he said pulling me down with him I laughed again and Raven chuckled seating up

I stood up as well brushing sand off my jeans "Help" Gabriel whispered as he ran towards me glancing nervously at Hail who was chasing after him

"Hey, Ash don't you want to go for a swim?" Hail asked looking down on my clothes "Nope" I said shaking my head "She doesn't know how to" Gabriel not-so-helpfully filled in

Raven snickered "You don't know how to?" He asked his eyes full of mischief, my eyes widened and I stumbled backwards "Whatever it is that you're thinking of, don't" I said my voice measured

Raven wouldn't have any of that he slung me to his shoulder before running to the deep part of the waters I closed my eyes as the crashing waves hit my legs

Raven dropped me and held me by my elbows to keep me from falling the hot water seeped through my clothes and I put my arms around Raven's neck in panic

"It's deep" I told Raven my voice quivering with fear "Scaredypup" he whispered wistfully shaking his head I grasped his neck tighter

"Please get me out of here" I pleaded Raven put his fingers through my now wet hair "Do you trust me?" Rave asked silently

"No!" I yelled Raven laughed "I wouldn't either" he said laughing before turning me over so I was clinging on his back and then he dove into the water

My shriek was muffled by the water and when we burst through it I caughed up almost half of the ocean

"I hate you" I told Raven in between coughs he laughed "I'm trying to teach you" he said and I would've punched him but I didn't want to let go of his neck so I didn't

"You know I'm in normal clothes right?" I told him seeing as I'm still in my black band shirt and jeans "Bikinis are over rated anyways" he said

Before adding, "Or should I say, X-rated" I laughed so hard I almost forgot to be afraid, almost

Raven tried to teach me how to swim for about three minutes before he gave up seeing that I'm a hopeless case we were swimming -well he was swimming I was just hanging unto his neck, like a soaking monkey- back to the shore when Raven cursed

"Wh?" I asked, "Lost my sunglasses" he said and I slipped out of his back seeing that my feet can already touch the grainy bottom

"Go" I told him he looked at me trough squinted eyes "You sure" he asked I almost rolled my eyes "Yup" I answered pushing him away he started to swim back too where we were and I started to walk out of the watery grave

And then the unfortunate happened, my feet slipped out under me and the waves threw me farther away from the shore I felt the air leaving me lungs nothing returning back

I thrashed against the waters, panic ripping it's way through my heart like a poison in my veins I tried to stay afloat but the water was too strong for my fight, I was sinking and my lungs felt painfully empty

I gritted my teeth and tried to push back again but no use I was starting to feel tired, like the very life was slipping out of me

I felt myself being lifted off air making filling my body I put my arms tight against my saviours neck sparks that danced agaist my skin, successfully charging me with life

I opened my eyes and saw a perfect combination of black and blue my almost dead heart had the audacity to skip a beat

I closed my eyes feeling the sun pierce through me in a loving heat

"If your hoping for a mouth to mouth you are not going to get it" he said with a smirk as he continued to carry me to the shore, where it's safe

"My hero" I whispered jokingly his chuckle vibrated off his chest and he shook his wet hair droplets of water spraying from it, one drop landing on my lower lip

I was tempted to lick my lips, I was never good in going against temptations so I licked my lips and I felt him laugh again

"You almost drowned" he said "I know" I told him with a smile as he sat me to the ground

Raven was suddenly on my side checking my face and arms for a sign of damage I shook his hands off "I'm okay" I told him reassuringly

"I'm so sorry., I didn't expected tha-" Raven was saying his voice rushed with panic and relief I suppose "You knew she can't swim" Alpha Xavier cuts him off anger seething out of him

Raven lowered his eyes to me "I'm sorry I didn't-" he explained reluctantly "If something happened to her I could've kil-" Alpha Xavier was saying

"Guys, I'm fine" I said giving them a smile "and that happened to me about a thousand times already" I said with a shrug

"That's true" Alice said handing me a towel that Raven put around my shoulders Alpha Xavier's jaw ticked

"Thank you" Raven said looking at him with a relieved voice

Alpha Xavier rolled his eyes "I didn't saved her for you" he said before walking away

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