Chapter 42 - Horizon

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"Change." Alpha Xavier ordered waliking to the door as I sat on my bed at Raven's house I frowned at him my vision swirling "Why do you want me to change who I am! Because I'm not good enough for you?" I said in a soft but pained voice

He opened the door "I meant your clothes" he said chuckling I looked down at the damp dress that I was wearing "Oh..." I said blood rushed to my face hearing the door click close

I lazily grab a shirt and pajama pants I rubbed my eyes yawning before my eyes fell on the black leather jacket I took one last sniff before going out of the room to return it

I was about to go down the stairs when I heard his car leave the drive way I looked at the jacket in my hand and shrugged my shoulders pressing it against my nose inhaling his scent

I blinked my eyes trying to stop my vision from swirling I grabbed the knob of the door and went inside the room I noticed that it was darker and wider but I was too tired to care as I plopped down into the bed that smelled different I hugged the jacket against my chest before drifting off...

"Wake up" a voice ordered I groaned pressing my face against the pillow "Go away Raven!" I yelled my eyes still closed hugging the jacket tighter

"Wake.Up" the voice demanded in a stern voice I sat up rubbing my eyes "Rave, will you shut-" I stopped when I saw Alpha Xavier leaning against the doorway

My eyes widened "Hi" I said smilling uncertainly my eyes scanned the room I'm in "Huh..." I said thoughtfully as I realized that I'm in Raven's room

Alpha Xavier rolled his eyes "Get out of his bed" he said his voice cold and I tried not to vomit the moment that I stood up I clutched my head in my hands

He took a deep breath his eyes flashing darker "Take a shower" he ordered opening the door of my room I hid the leather jacket behind me afraid that he's going to take it back before running to my room

"Good afternoon" Raven greeted as I plopped down on he chair in the dinning table across from him I held my head "Speak for yourself" I frowned at him "The world's upside down" I exclaimed against my palms

I jumped when Alpha Xavier dropped a glass of water and an aspirin in the table "Drink" he said sternly I looked him
while gulping down the aspirin he walked back went to the kitchen I heard some sizzling and the smell of fried pork chops

I remembered what happened last night the date...the rain...the wine and not much after

My eyes widened as I remembered the kiss blood rushed to my cheeks as I touched my lips with my fingertips fighting back a smile

I bit my lips when I remembered what happened how he didn't feel anything I blinked when a plate was dropped infront of me

"Eat" he said and I watched him as he took a seat beside Raven his eyes bored I lowered my eyes to my plate before digging into it I ate nervously as my head ache started to fade away

I looked at Alpha Xavier who was looking at his watch impatiently ""Is there somewhere you need to be?" I asked him quietly "Yes" he answered curtly "Um...Really? Where?" I asked

"Anywhere but here." he answered coldly standing up and left the house I stared at close front door hearing the rumble of the engine of his car as he sped away

"What happened last night?" Raven asked I shook my head still starring after the door "You don't want to know" I answered

I opened my phone to find Gabriel and Alice's hundreds of text messages I took a deep breath before shoving my phone under my pillow

Monday morning and here we are at the lockers instead of being in English, two of my best of friends bombarding me with thousands of questions about my supposed date that was just an epic fail

"You ended up drunk?" Alice asked after I told them the story her eyebrows raised I shrugged while Alice leaned her back against my locker "If he wasn't the high and mighty Alpha I would seriously kick his ass" Gabriel said puffing his chest winking at me

"I would want to see you try, Marcus" I froze and Gabe eyes widened when I heard Alpha Xavier's voice behind me

Gabe gulped loudly "Raven...I-I would kick Raven's ass" Gabriel said stammering before dragging Alice by the arm dissapearing through the halls

I closed my eyes tightly before turning around he was leaning his side against one of the locker his arms crossed

I peered up at him his dark blue eyes glinting could eyes be dark and bright at the same time? I pondered thoughtfully

"H-hey" I said smilling widely "Aren't you suppose to be in English?" He asked me with his eyebrow raised "Yup...just like you" I said he rolled his eyes

"I can be where ever I want to be love" He said smugly I shivered involuntarily I wish he'd stop calling me love...okay maybe I don't

"So....this is where you want to be?" I asked spreading my arms through the lockers he laughed "No...I want to be somewhere else" he answered seriously

"I'll show you" he said curling his hand around my wrist dragging me out of the school

I was starring at his back my heart thudding against my chest we stopped infront of his car and he let go of my wrist his hand leaving a trail of electricity at its wake

I put my hand on the handle of the car door at the back when he quickly closed it with his hand I looked at him curiously

"I don't want to give you the wrong idea" he said and I nodded "This doesn't mean anything" he said motioning at his car I nodded again he looked at me for a while before slowly walking to the other side slipping inside the driver seat

I looked at him as he drive trying to memorize the face that I already know line by line by heart we stopped in the bottom of the hill near the border of our pack's territory

He started climbing the hill not even bothering to wait for me I pushed my lips at him as I started to climb up following behind him

When I reached the top I slowly walked to his side while he stared ahead where the sky meet the land

I can't help but think of him as the sky high and painstakingly out of reach and beautiful with his shinning glory while I'm the land painstakingly plain but at some point even if it's far away we will meet...just like the horizon

I took a deep breath "I lied again..." I told him honestly still looking at the horizon "This means something to me it always will" I said not having the strength to look at him

He just continued staring ahead "I know" he whispered "That's why I brought you here"

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