Chapter Four

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It was silent.

Everyone was either too shocked or too exhausted to move or say anything. The king fell back into his throne to process the information. Arthur watched us, expressionless, as if he wasn't sure how to react himself.

"What...What happened?" Uther asked finally.

Faye seemed unable to speak. I checked to make sure she could stand on her own, before stepping forward, my chin high. Arthur gave me a complex expression, watching me with some unknown expression.

"Neither of us can be completely sure about what had happened, my lord." I said, "When we learned of the attack, they had already made it to the castle, and were roaming the halls for any stragglers."

"You were not harmed, Princess?" Uther asked.

As Faye could not speak, I bowed my head and said, "She was not, my lord. I made sure of it."

I did not mention my own sliced thigh.

He turned to look at me, narrowing his eyes, "Surely the Princess can speak for herself."

I bristled at his tone. He was obviously still harboring a little anger from his argument with his son, and was taking the chance to take it out on me.

"The Princess is exhausted and traumatized, sire." I said, adding a little edge to my voice, "Surely you would not have her speak of the very experience that has rendered her speechless?"

Everyone paused. The man with the dark hair looked as if he was holding back laughter, while his son seemed to see me in new eyes. Uther himself looked as if he wanted to yell at me, but could find no excuse to.

"Of course not." Uther finally said.

I nodded at him, refusing to break eye contact.

"All we ask is a safe haven. Surely you can afford to house the Princess just a few months earlier than planned." I said.

"Of course we can." Arthur said, finally speaking for the first time. "Merlin can show you to your chambers, my lady."

The dark haired man -- Merlin, I presume -- stepped forward, bowing in Faye's direction.

"And what of me, sire?" I asked.

"I'm sure there are fine families in the lower city who will be willing to house you." Uther said, and I knew this was his revenge for daring to speak up against him.


I turned to look at Faye. It had been the first thing she had spoken since we had entered the gates. I reached out to comfort her, but she pulled away, ignoring me to stare at Uther instead.

"Princess?" Uther asked.

"Dawn stays with me." She said, her voice surprisingly steady, despite the tears streaming down her face.

It was quiet once more in the throne room.

"I'm sure that can be arranged." Arthur said, trying to comfort her, "Right, Father?"

Uther looked angry at being ignored, but he nodded. With a wave of his hand, we were dismissed. Merlin raced forward to lead us to our chambers.

When the throne room doors were firmly shut behind us, Merlin cracked a grin. He tried to hide it, but I noticed.

"This way, Princess." He said, leading the way down the hall.

We followed him silently, in no mood to speak. I could tell Faye was exhausted and sore from the long ride. We hadn't been able to sleep much on the journey, and I knew the thing she needed most was a bath, a nice hot meal, and a long night of sleep.

Finally, Merlin stopped in front of a huge wooden door.

"Here is your chambers, my lady. Prince Arthur is just a door to your left if you were to need anything." He explained.

"And Dawn?" Faye asked, turning to narrow her eyes at him.

I stepped in between them, making sure Faye's attention was on me.

"Do not worry about me, princess." I said, "I will be fine. How about you go inside, and I'll go get you some food?"

She looked like she wanted to protest, but instead nodded. I gave her a small smile. She entered the room, giving me one last concerned look before shutting the door.

I steeled myself, before turning to Merlin. He smiled as if he wanted to start a conversation, but I cut him off.

"Where are your kitchens?"

He seemed taken aback, but quickly gave me the directions. I nodded and started in the direction he said, calling a thank you over my shoulder.

Within minutes, I had a hot dinner for Faye. I hurried back to her room, knocking once before entering. Faye was sitting at her window, staring out across the courtyard.

"I have your food for you, my lady."

Faye turned at the sound of my voice and smiled, moving to sit at the table. As she ate, I drew her a warm bath.

Once she was done eating and in the basin, I cleared her dishes and went in search of a meal for myself. The kitchens were bustling in a flurry of activity. Everyone seemed to know who I was immediately, and moved to get me a plate of food.

I smiled in gratitude, tears welling up in my eyes. It was nice to have someone looking after me after so long of having no one.

I quickly ate, eager to get back to the princess. When I was done, I cleaned my own dishes, and raced back to Faye's room.

She was done with her bath by the time I arrived. I helped her prepare for bed, and tucked her in. There had been clothes in the wardrobe -- just a few simple dresses until we could have a seamstress make some more.

She smiled at me.

"Thank you, Dawn." She mumbled, half asleep, "I would have surely died many times over had it not been for you."

I didn't respond as she was asleep after that. I blew out the candle next to her bed, and drew the curtains so that the sun would not wake her. It was only just past midday, but she needed sleep more than anything.

I left the room silently, making sure the door was firmly closed behind me.

I was more exhausted than anything right now, but I knew I should check on Abatos before I found a place to sleep. I leaned against the wall, giving my injured leg a rest. I sighed steeling myself to face the rest of the day.

It had been a long journey, I knew this was not yet the end of it.

I stood up, wincing slightly, and started down the hall towards the kitchens. I assumed there would be someone there who could tell me where the stables were.

I turned the corner, and slammed right into someone. I gasped, flying backwards, my leg screaming in pain. The man reached out and grabbed my arms, steadying me.

"I'm so sor--" I cut myself off when I saw the face of the person I had run into.

I gasped, stepping backwards and bowing slightly.

"Prince Arthur!"

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now