Chapter Ten

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I hurried into the room, making sure my leg wouldn't hinder me. Faye whirled around to look at me, her eyes narrowed. I swallowed, making sure it wasn't obvious that I was injured.

"Where have you been?!" She demanded, crossing her arms in front of her chest. I had seen this pose many times, but it had never been targeted at me. She must be pretty irritated.

"I was running errands." I lied, bowing slightly, "Forgive me."

Faye only huffed and turned away from me. She was rummaging through her wardrobe. I frowned and stepped closer.

"What are you doing, princess?"

"We need to prepare." She told me, rolling her eyes as if I should have already known that. I bit my lip to hold back the snarky comments that popped into my head.

"Prepare for what?" I said instead.

"My outing with Arthur."

"You succeeded? When is it planned?"

"Well, no plans have quite been made yet, but they will be." She admitted, hesitant.

I rolled my eyes, making sure she couldn't see my expression. She was being a bit presumptuous. At this point I was skeptical that she was the type of girl Arthur would fall for.

She was just the type of girl he would marry, but not the type of girl he would fall in love with.

I sighed, and moved forward to help her change into a finer dress than the one she was currently wearing. I might as well go along with her crazy plan and indulge her.

We chatted as I pinned up her hair. Her earlier frustration with me seemed to melt away as we talked. I had to admit to myself, I almost considered this obnoxious, proud girl to be my friend.

I guess that's what happens when you go through thick and thin together.

I couldn't help but wonder if she thought of me as one of her friends as well. I couldn't imagine being on that level in her mind, but she had been known to surprise me before.

She was mildly unpredictable.

I had been humming softly without realizing it, and Faye finally spoke up.

"What is that song of yours, Dawn?"

I blushed, a small chuckle bursting from my lips. I said, "It's a drinking song I had learned when I was a barmaid before I came into your service."

"Whatever is it about?"

"Oh, Princess, it is not a fit topic to be heard by any young lady." I protested.

"But you know it." She pointed out, raising an eyebrow as she looked at me through the mirror.

"Yes, I suppose that's true." I sighed, "But it is still not fit for your ears."

"Oh, for God's sake, I'm not asking you to sing it word for word, I'm just asking about the meaning!" She finally snapped.

I sighed again, shifting so my weight would be off of my injured leg. I finished up her hair and turned to search through her jewelry. Nothing was said between us for a minute until finally I said, "It's about a woman. This woman had been happy with her gentleman friend, but she grew addicted to...well, more intimate acts."

I saw Faye blush slightly in the mirror, and I smirked, making sure she couldn't see my expression.

"The song is the tales of this young woman in search of satisfaction for her addiction." I finished.

I turned back around, holding the necklace in my hands for Faye to see. She looked it over, her cheeks still red. Finally, she nodded, avoiding making eye contact. I chuckled softly and clipped the necklace around her neck.

Faye abruptly stood up and I take a step backwards to allow her some room. She whirled around in a flurry of skirts and started heading for the door.

"I must be on my way." She announced, "You will do well to forget that song."

I smirked, rolling my eyes, before I said, "Of course, my lady."

She nodded once, and swept out the door. As soon as the door was shut again, I collapsed against the desk in a sigh of relief. My leg was killing me. The salve had only made it burn worse, and I was unsure whether this meant it was healing or not.

I allowed myself to rest for a bit, before I stood up and began cleaning up the room. There were dresses everywhere, seeing as I hadn't been able to wash any dirty dresses for a couple of days. I began gathering them all up.

Once I was done there, I stripped the bed of its sheets and added them to the dresses. I picked the whole pile up and made my way out of the room.

I immediately regretted attempting to make only one trip. The pile was heavy, and I could barely see over it. Add this to my painful leg and I was about ready to collapse.

I sped up, testing my limits. This worked for about a second and a half, before I began to fall. I immediately dropped the pile to catch myself against the wall so that I wouldn't hit the floor.

I leaned against the wall, panting slightly, surrounded by dirty laundry. I was ashamed. I was letting this injury interfere with my work. I had been able to work through the small concussion I received after falling off a horse without any complaint.

This should have been nothing.

I growled lowly, and bent over to gather together the sheets and dresses. I had barely began when a hand shot over to help me.

I whipped my head up to look at the newcomer, a slight blush covering my face. It was Gwenivere.

I frowned. I had only heard stories and rumors of the Lady Morgana's maid. I had heard she was brilliant, passionate, and brave.

I had also heard that she and the Prince himself had a fling in the past.

I saw her as a threat -- someone interfering with Faye's wedding.

"Do you need any help?" She asked softly.

I could only stare.

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें