Chapter Twenty-Four

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I cleared my throat loudly, making sure they heard me, and they sprang apart with a jump. The knight purposefully kept his face away from my view, but Faye glared at me, her hands on her hips.
There was silence, everyone frozen in suspension.

"Get out of here!" I barked.

The knight jumped into action and scurried down the hallway. I didn't manage to catch a glimpse of his face, but I brushed it away, turning to Faye. She took one look at the glare on my face and rolled her eyes before brushing past me and heading towards our room.

"Fayelinn!" I snapped, following after her.

"I don't want to talk about it, Dawn!" She called over her shoulder.

I hurried up next to her, and grabbed her arm, bringing her to a rough halt. She glared at me, but I met the look with steely eyes. Not many people could handle Faye's wrath, but I took it in strides.

"I don't care if you don't want to talk about it!" I hissed, "You are not going to ruin everything we have built in this land because you want to get in bed with some knight!"

She scoffed, pulled away, and said, "Oh, stop being so selfish."

I gaped at her with wide eyes, astonished she had actually called me selfish. She stormed off again and I cursed under my breath before following after her.

"You are engaged to another man." I said finally, when we reached our shared room.

She let out a frustrated groan, slamming the door shut after we were both in the room.

"I know that!" She shouted, "I've known that I would be married out like cattle for years! Forgive me for trying to find someone to love me, not just keep me financially stable!"

I was taken aback. This is the first time I've heard her complain about the arranged marriage. I sighed, softening slightly. As much as I was angry with her, I understood how trapped she must be feeling.

I walked over to her and pulled her into a side hug. She sniffled slightly, so worked up tears had built up.

"I'm sorry, Faye." I apologized, "I can't imagine how you must be feeling. Our whole future here is residing on you, and that is too much for anyone."

She sighed, leaning into my side.

"But?" She asked, knowing I wasn't done.

"But, Arthur deserves to know the truth. Are you planning to call off the wedding?" I asked as gently as I could.

She shook her head, pulling away slightly. She reached up to wipe her cheeks. She hugged herself tightly, trying to regain control of herself.

"No. Even I'm not that stupid." She said, laughing pathetically.

I didn't reply, biting my lip and turning away. I busied myself with meaningless work.

"Now," She sighed, straightening her back and lifting her chin, "I need you to help me prepare to face society. I'm sure Uther will be eager to know how I am faring."

I nodded silently, moving to help her into a new, crisp dress. I was silent the whole time, but Faye yapped away as if nothing bad had happened. I couldn't help but grow angry.

She had acted irrationally and could've costed us our lives. She could have been executed for what she did, and I know for sure that Uther would have no reason to keep me alive if Faye wasn't here.

And what she did to Arthur was a complete betrayal.

I blushed, remembering our own little moment in the royal safe room. We had been just seconds away from doing exactly what I was angry at Faye for doing. I backed away from Faye, my hands shaking.

Suddenly, I was angry at both Faye and myself.

"I have chores to do." I said, unable to keep the bite out of my voice. "May I be dismissed?"

Faye looked at me out of the corner of her eye. She looked irritated, but nodded her head.

"I can finish up here alone." She replied, "But I expect you back before dinner. I need my sheets washed, and I'll need a basin of hot water for my bath tonight, and after the day I've had, I think I deserve some bath salts, so you should see Gaius about that before you see me."

I clenched my fists, my anger only growing. I opened my mouth to snap at her, but bit my lip to hold myself back. Before I said anything I would regret, I whirled around and marched out of the room.

When I was out, I didn't stop, instead picking up my pace. I wasn't sure where I was going, but I found myself heading in the direction of the stables.

I had seen Abatos just this morning when I was mucking out his stall, but he was a fine horse, and I wanted to make sure the bandits hadn't had the same thought process and took him.

I don't know what I would do if I lost my horse.

I don't know when I had started considering him as mine, but it seemed right.

Finally I reached the stables, and it seemed like everything hadn't been touched, but I didn't relax until I saw Abatos poking his head out of his stall at the end of the line.

I wanted to take him out for a quick ride, but it was now midday and all I could do was give him an extra handful of oats and a quick rub, before I had to race off to start on Faye's long list of chores.

I started heading to Gaius's house, planning on getting Faye's bath salts while I was so close. I secretly hoped Gaius was out, but then immediately felt guilty about it.

I was mad at her for having feelings for someone who was not hers, but I was doing the exact same thing.

But I didn't kiss Arthur, and she kissed the knight, I tried justifying to myself.

I was so distracted, I didn't notice Arthur standing in front of me until I had literally run into him.

Of Chores and Crowns (A Merlin Fanfiction) ✔Where stories live. Discover now