Chapter Five- I hate movies

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Chapter Five: I hate movies.

Shopping is always fun but, what if you have something going on in your mind? Then,

Shopping Sucks.

Something like that was happening with me. I couldn't get over his conversation, I felt kinda worried—not for him but, for the person he's been threatening. Why would I be worried for a person who punched my best friend and broke my phone and never apologized for it?

I looked at the peach blouse with a heart cut at the back. I loved it but, it was XS. Great!

I got all more frustrated for not getting things I liked. Sometimes, I liked the style but, the colour I preferred wasn't there, or the size would go wrong...

"What are you doing?" I asked Kim, as she looked pretty engrossed typing a text with a cheeky smile and tint of pink on her cheeks.

Lately, she's been too distracted and I even found her smiling for no reason. Oh my god! Is my best friend...


"Ah... nothing." She snapped me out of my bubble. Kim shoved her phone in her bag, grabbed my arm, and pulled me into another shop, totally evading my question.

What is with her?

I didn't push her to tell me anything which she clearly didn't want to... yet. Eventually she will tell me everything sooner or later so, I gave her the space.

But, the hidden reason for which I didn't force her was, I, myself had hidden a truth from her. The phone call of Nobody. I wasn't yet myself sure about what to do with that piece of information, and telling her would mean, telling half of the world. So, I had to keep it to myself, to avoid anymore destructions.

The night came to an end and soon the weekend too. All through the holiday I tried to come up with something to do with the information, but, my mind won't just work!

I strode downstairs and Kimmy was already stuffing her mouth as usual.

"How was your weekend?" She chimed, as I took the seat beside her and plopped my bag down on the chair beside me.

"Amazing. I had a lot of time to study and now, I will get an A in today's history test."

"Oh My Gosh! I totally zoomed out about that! Shit Shit Shit! Can you give me the oral notes while driving? Pretty pretty please?" She pleaded, licking her finger. It's definitely maple sauce.

Smirking, I shrugged, "Okay. You're buying me the lunch and you have to help me find something no questions asked. Okay?"

She gave her famous Sherlock look and nodded. "Absolutely, my love-- anything to keep my grades straight. I don't want to give my step-mom any reason to put differences between me and my dad."

I held her hand. Her Step-mom is just as cruel as the Cinderella's. "She's a Bitch and trust me, your and your dad's bond is beyond strong for her witch powers to break."

She chuckled, half hugging me, as I reciprocated the warm gesture.

Chuckling, I took another bite of vanilla pancake and just got mesmerized in the sugary flavor of it.

Quickly, we got finished with our breakfast and in no time, reached school. On the drive to school, I gave her quick oral notes that would be easy for her to remember.

I grabbed my pen and notebook from my locker before heading for History class with Kimmy and Justin. I bet, he doesn't even have a clue about the test.

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