Chapter Seven- What do you want?

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Chapter Seven: What do you want?

I finally felt my muscles relax and heartbeat dwindling slowly and steadily. It's just one of those childish fears about hospitals. It made me nauseous and want to puke.

But, I was out now, strolling the sidewalk, as I admired the darkness. Suddenly, my mind wondered about the whole today's episode. Did Nobody had any flaws of himself? Did he ever got scared of anything? Didn't he felt bad that he'd got the worst reputation in the school? He got suspended for the week though.

I didn't know if I wanted that. I definitely wanted him to pay for what he did but, maybe by over workload or detention but, suspension will be going to be on his record. But, it could have been worse like getting expelled...

If I'd have an already built up rich future it doesn't mean that I didn't give shit for anyone else's future.

But, why I was even giving him a tad bit of pity when he didn't even seem to mind it at all? And he never apologized for his actions too.

But, then again I come to square one— the same question I'd been asking myself since the fight. What was the reason that they got into the fight?

I looked up at the intimidating sky with numerous shiny stars accompanying the lonely moon. It appeared as if they were all having a hard time too. Just like me, I guess. The wind howled, giving me chills, as the little hair stood up on my arms and bear legs. I wish I had worn jeans rather than shorts.

Pacing up a little, in a hurry to reach home, I walked past giant trees, empty parks and shops, which used to be bustling during the day but, at night everything seemed to be at peace and little frightening. My heels were scraping against the road, making loud noise and it echoed—or so I thought, because there was no other sound on the street.

I dialled kimmy's number to get my way pass. I would've called Sophie but, I knew she had a shoot or some other thing going on—which she did tell me earlier but, I forgot.

"Hello?" Her husky voice reached my ears. It was almost as if I had woken her up from her peaceful sleep.

"How's my girl?"

"I'm okay, I guess. And, I heard about Justin. I feel awful for not being there." She replied in a distressed voice.

"Hey... don't be. Okay? He's fine and will be discharged by tomorrow morning. You can meet him later. Or we could go to his place after school?" I suggested, worrying about Justin.

"Sounds like a plan to me. Where are you by the way?"

"Almost home."

"Hmm." It was as if we didn't have words to say anymore.

"So what were you and martin doing till nine?" I asked trying to converse some more as I still have few streets to stroll.

"We sat on the couch and watched a movie. He was extremely sweet today. We watched Hunger games—which he despised and then we received the phone call from you about Justin and Nobody's fight."

I could smell something fishy. But, ignored as I thought it was out of question.

"By the way I still don't know why we stole nobody's address, which you pinky swore to tell later?" She added, realising my lack of vocab.

Immediately I pointed out, "First, it was me who stole it. There's no we. You're backstabbing bitch me, who left me alone in our 'together mission'!"

She interrupted before I could recite the second thing.

"I helped you buying time!!  I indulged into a conversation with Mr. Black to get you time to hide!" She defended but, it wasn't justified.

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