Chapter Twelfth- The Brook

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Chapter Twelfth: The Brook

"GUESS WHAT?!!!" I screamed, holding both of Kim's hands in mine—almost ready to twirl her around.

I scrutinized her expressions. She placed a finger on her cheek and pretended to think of something.

Her black brows raised up high, as she twirled me around and said, "You and Justin got together!!!!"

I sighed, disappointed. I halted the revolving process and snorted at her.

"Bitch! That's what you are. You've been pushing me towards Justin a lot, lately. What's this really about Kim? I told you he thinks of me as a sister and I am totally fine with it." I whispered the last part. Because if anyone would've heard it, it would've been on the website with uncountable likes and comments on it.

And becoming the centre topic of bitching was not even the last thing on my list.

"I was just kidding. I swear. No hidden purpose." I wasn't convinced at all. I could sense when she lied and when she didn't. And this time she was lying.

"I don't trust you." I shrugged, slamming my locker shut and walking towards the cafeteria.

"Elle... at least tell me what was that you were so ecstatic about?"

I stopped and turned to face her. I was just too happy to run into a fight with her.

"I scored an A again!!!" I shrieked, almost dropping my books.

"Wow!! Now, that's definitely something new...." I ignored her sarcastic comment and rolled my eyes.

She's been quirky a lot, lately.

"Okay... I'm sorry, elle. There's something... I'm sorry that I took it out on you. I seriously didn't mean to. And I am happy you scored an A..." She trailed with puppy eyes and I just couldn't resist it. I hugged her.

"Today my treat...." I pulled apart and we looped arms together as we walked.

"Fine by me. By the way you coming to game with us—me, and then later to brook?" The way she asked, I could clearly feel how excited she was and, even I had a heart to party tonight.

"Sure..." I winked and took our usual seats on the table. 

"Hey soph." I smiled at her, as she smiled back with a happy wave at me.

Actually I wasn't happy just for the grade I got. But, there was something else.

Nobody walked away from the fight which gave Justin's teammates an impression that he was scared of Justin. Justin got his reputation of being invincible back and the threat to lose his captainship had flown away.

Everyone wondered why Nobody did that but, guess only I knew why.

He did that for me.

Just thinking that made me smile for no reason!!

I just happen to look over to the counter where dark haired boy was doing his job. He hasn't looked at me yet... and not like I care if he do so...

"So..." I felt someone's hand on me and jerked back to reality.

I saw Sophie eyeing me and I gave out my sheepish-sorry smile. "Yup? Sorry, I missed it. What were you saying?"

"Yes you did. I was just asking if it's okay that i miss my first Friday tradition. Something has come up. I've to leave tonight." Sophie examined my expressions, as she was speaking.

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