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Louis awoke in an empty bed, but for some strange reason he wasn't cold like he always was when he slept alone in his bed. Now that he looked around, he realized he wasn't in his bed. The pale sheets and creamy white cushions were unfamiliar and the dark wooden floor that he could see also didn't belong in his bedroom. Maybe his headache and the memories of getting absolutely pissed last night explained a thing or two... Thank god he wasn't naked!

"Louis, are you up?" A blond mop of hair popped up and Louis snuggled back into the blankets.

"No," he grumbled, fully knowing that no one would reply if they were actually sleeping. Sue him for being a lazy actor in the morning.

"Oh, okay, tell me when you're awake, okay? Harry made breakfast."

The Irish lad disappeared and Louis gawked at the spot where his friend previously was standing. Did Niall really accept his lazy reply and just let him be? How come Zayn hadn't introduced them before?! If Zayn had done that, Louis would've roomed with Niall instead of the raven haired boy that likes to wake everyone at five a.m. because 'the early bird catches the worm', yeah and the early bird can go and suck his--

"Lewis, I know you're awake! Don't use Niall because he's too soft hearted to kick your lazy ass!" Zayn's voice was a torture for the blue eyed boy's headache and Louis whimpered.

"My ass isn't lazy, it's perfect," Louis mumbled, but he still rolled out of the unfamiliar bed and shuffled towards where the voices came from, "G'morning."

"'Morning sunshine," Harry replied and placed a plate full of eggs and bacon before the boy, which resulted to a smiling Louis and a fond looking Harry. How those two didn't know how the other felt was a true mystery.

"I'm gonna puke rainbows if they keep acting like this," Niall announced right before the two others send him a glare.

The five boys stayed together till Sunday afternoon. Nothing interested happened, really. They played some Fifa and Harry cooked because when Louis tried to make pancakes, he almost burnt the place down and the pancakes just didn't look edible. Niall even poked one to see if it was alive.

Liam dropped Louis off at his home and Louis let out a sigh of relief when he realized he was alone. The last thing he wanted was a questioning by his four sisters and his mum! He didn't even dare to think of the teasing that would happen afterwards... No, Louis was glad he had to place to himself for once. Privacy was rare when you had four siblings and a mum that loved to meddle with everything her children did.


Monday. Why did that hateful day haunt him? Louis vowed that a full week couldn't have passed yet, it was impossible that that was the case! But Louis is wrong about lots of things, and his wish of it not being Monday stayed just that. A wish.


Louis turned his head and almost fell over when Niall tackled him into a hug, knocking the wind out of him. Liam and Harry were already a bit further, but they halted when they saw Zayn, Louis and Niall. It was weird and sudden, but Louis felt comfortable with the change. His expectations were a bit off thought, no one was really interested in him. The only time people talked to him was to get closer to one of the others, but Louis would sass them away or just plainly ignore them.

"Niall, you-- you're killing me!" The small boy squeaked and the other loosened his grip, but didn't let go.

"I think he's trying to steal my place as your best mate, Lou. Vicious little leprechaun disguised as an adorable bean... Who would've thought that? Although you can see his true colors when he drinks," Zayn laughed and Niall send him a glare.

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