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Guess who updated? Me! -short chapter though-

Okay, so no Character Ask for this story (meaning I don't have to go back and look up every character again -I have the memory of a goldfish I swear- so yay! I can be a bit lazier!)

Happy New Year btw! I hope you guys get everything you wish for!


The door of the bathroom slammed open and Louis hurried inside, locking it with the key he had once found in the janitor's closet. His breath was coming out shaky and he placed his hands on one of the sinks to steady himself. The urge to just run back to Harry and others to somehow explain himself and fight for whatever speck of trust they had in him grew, but Louis shook his head. Nick would just find a way to ruin it again and again, the only one that could still do something is Zayn.

A flushing sound came out of one of the stalls and Louis looked up. His mouth dropped open and he immediately blinked a few times to force the tears back that threatened to spill.

"Aw, is the little fag crying?" Nick laughed, "Cry baby."

"Fuck off, Nick, you've ruined my day enough by showing that ugly thing you call your face." Louis turned around so he could unlock the door again, but his movements were halted. Nick had grabbed Louis' wrist and forced latter to turn around.

"And what do you think you're doing, Tomlinson? I can't have you running away and into that giant's arms, you don't want me to have to hurt your little prince, right?"

Louis' eyes widened at that. Was Nick planning to hurt Harry?

"What do you want, Grimshaw?" The shorter of the two asked carefully and the other smirked.

"Oh, you know, babes, what did we always want from others? Don't play clueless, Lou, I'm sure you remember even though you turned into a disgusting and pathetic princess."

A thousand possibilities ran through Louis' head, but he knew better than to act dumb and ask what Nick meant. He knew how it was to be at the end with all the power and Louis had always hated it when someone asked too many questions. The guilty feeling that had gone away came back rushing through the blue-eyed boy and he nodded. Of course, he knew what they asked most of the times from the people they used to blackmail.


They were in the hallway like always. Aiden, Stan and Zayn were discussion something from their previous class while Louis and Nick just looked around. Louis smirked when he saw a blond guy he knew from soccer practice. He quickly told Nick that he was going to get rid of his boredom and jogged over to Max. The poor blond's face got pale when he saw Louis, but he still greeted the brunet when he started talking.

"Max, my man, how are you?" Louis purred while he placed his arm around Max' shoulders, "Got some money for lunch? I heard your parents are really well off, so it wouldn't be too much to share, right? I mean, you don't even need lunch, you're fat enough."

"But I-- my parents they--"

"They would be grateful that you have a friend like me who helps you lose some weight." Louis winked and poked Max, "See, I almost lost my finger in all that flesh and fat. You should thank me eating your lunch, Max, but it's okay, I'm just a nice guy by nature."

"No." The blond breathed and Louis laughed.

"No? Are you sure?" The brunet's laugh quickly turned into a scowl, "Are you really sure that that's the answer you want to give, love? Don't you remember that time you had the sudden urge to strip in the changing rooms? I'm sure that I can find some very interesting pictures if I want and let's be honest, wouldn't it be a shame if everyone saw you like that?"

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