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Louis was rolling over the floor out of boredom while Zayn -who just came back- stared at the boy as if he lost his mind once again. It took Louis a minute or two to notice the raven haired man and when he did, he immediately stopped rolling, but he didn't get up.

"What in the world are you doing?"

"Counting elephants obviously," Louis rolled his eyes and Zayn slightly shook his head, "I'm hungry. Make me something."

"Demanding little thing," Zayn snickered but made his way to the kitchen nonetheless. Sure, Louis was acting like a kid at the moment, but it was far better than seeing his best friend being heartbroken and crying his eyes out. Zayn felt even worse about the whole situation because he was the one that invited Harry to the club. He'd thought that their relationship would get better and that they might get closer... His plan obviously backfired.

While Zayn was in the middle of baking pancakes, Louis got up and hopped onto one of the stool near the stove, swinging his legs and humming a song that got stuck in his head. It wasn't a weird occurrence for the boys to be so domestic, but they understood why some of their former friends claimed they had to be a couple. They already acted like one, so why wouldn't they be? At least, that was their logic. Zayn and Louis did try to date once because, why not? But except for kissing and some bedroom action, nothing really changed and even though they were both very attractive, somehow they weren't each other's type. They broke it off after two months and got back to being best friends -although Louis couldn't help but tease Zayn when he wanted something-.

"Z?" Louis asked, but Zayn didn't answer, "Babe? Zaynie? Z? Zaaayynn? Hey asshole!"


"Can Niall come over? I texted my mum earlier to say I'll stay with you for a few days and I want to have a sleepover with people that didn't make me eat three buckets of ice cream on my own."

"Am I invited then?" Zayn raised an eyebrow and smirked, "I did leave you alone to take care of something instead of helping you eat those."

Louis tapped his cheek as if he was thinking but beamed at the boy before him, "I'll let you if I can have one of your pancakes!"

"What? I'm not sure if I even want to come anymore..."

"Zaynie," Louis dragged the last two vowels out and the younger of the two sighed.

"Fine, fine, I'll let you have my pancake. Demanding little boy."

"At least the only thing little about me is my height," the blue eyed boy stuck out his tongue and immediately started eating when Zayn shoved one of the plates towards him.

The morning passed rather quickly and even though it was easy to forget it was still only Wednesday with all the events that happened, time had no mercy on the two boys. They were a few minutes late, but succeeded in sneaking into the classroom without their teacher noticing. Of course, he noticed that the empty seats were now filled, but seeing as he didn't actually catch them coming inside, he decided to let it go.

Niall was sitting next to Louis and he did his best not to tackle the brunette into a hug. He missed his friend a lot, even though Louis only missed one day of school. There was something about how fast they connected, something about how well they went together as friends that scared Niall, but at the same time, it was something he never knew he would love and need so much. Louis didn't need to tell him stuff, Niall just knew. It was weird, but both boys were grateful they somehow found such a strong connection.

Liam sat on the row behind the three boys and even though he didn't like the idea of Louis at first, he also didn't want the boy to hurt. Sure, he still disliked it that Louis just sneaked his way into their lives, but the smoll boy was now a part of it.

"Hey." Liam tapped shoulder, "I'm sorry about Harry. I don't know exactly what he did, but give him a chance, okay? I know you guys have some kind of bond and Niall was talking about how his Larry ship couldn't be the next Titanic."

Louis giggled and shook his head.

"Sure, it was partly my fault anyway. Don't worry, we're still friends. I just-- I just need some time." Liam nodded at that and the two of them turned to the front of the room again to try and at least pretend to understand what was going on the blackboard.

**** (a/n: I'm sorry for this!)

Louis was walking down the hallway when he saw a familiar face and he immediately froze. The figure before him turned around and they both just stared at each other.


"Lou, what--?"

Louis' mouth stood wide open and he wasn't sure he was breathing anymore. Before him stood his childhood crush. It was weird, really. The two boys were pretty good friends at first and when they first watched a romantic movie where the main characters kissed, they wanted to know how it felt and thus, they kissed each other behind one of the containers of the playground they often went to.

Louis didn't think much of it when he was younger, but when he told his 'first kiss story' to Eleanor years later, she went on and on how cute it was and that Ben must've been his first crush because Louis admitted he did fancy a little bit the little boy back then.

"Louis, it's so nice to see a familiar face!" Ben engulfed Louis in a hug and Louis awkwardly hugged him back.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked while he untangled himself from his childhood friend.

"Well, after you and Zayn left, Nick and your other friends got involved in some shady business and the school was more like a survival of the fittest contest. As you can see, I wasn't one of the losers, but I hate how everyone is so hateful to each other. Eleanor changed schools too and when I told her my parents wanted to move, she told me this was a pretty good school."

"El did?" Louis sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "You must've been desperate to take her advice." Louis grinned.

"Hell yeah," Ben replied with a light chuckle and both boys just looked at each other for a bit.

"Hey, Lou, are you still joining us or-- oh, uh, sorry, did I interrupt somethin'" Niall dropped himself over Louis and gave the unknown boy a once over. He didn't look like trouble, but if the guy had the nerve to even look at his Louis in the wrong way, he'd cut a bitch.

"Hm? Oh, yeah." Louis nodded, "This is Ben, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Louis and I used to be bo--"

"Friends." Louis coughed, "Ben and I used to be really good friends."


Don't kill me 😭 I know I haven't updated in a while, but I warned you guys that I went on vacation... And I had wifi, but I didn't have time to write... Prague is very time consuming.

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I had troubles writing it (v_v)

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