Chapter 3: Found

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Luc craned his head around as we crossed the street. "How much farther?"

"One more block," I replied, not looking up from my phone. I squinted at the screen, trying to see around the massive crack that split it in two. My eyes were focussed on the little dot that represented our current location, watching it inch closer and closer to our destination as we walked. "I think."

"Are you sure?" he said. He leaned in, peering over my shoulder for a glimpse at the screen.

"Of course I'm sure," I said, dipping away from him. "I've been watching the map since we left."

"But..." he began, then paused, tapping at his full lips with one finger. "Something... Something feels off. What street was the coffee shop on again?"

"Alexander Street," I answered immediately. I actually had the whole address memorized, just in case.

He turned, looking back the way we came. "Did we not just pass Alexander Street?"

"No, the phone says—"

"May I see it, please?" He turned back to me and held his hand out.

I hesitated for a moment, then handed the phone over. I watched as his eyes traced the screen, squinting as well as they maneuvered over the crack. He glanced over his shoulder again, and then back, peering into the distance ahead before returning to the screen.

"Yep," he said. "Wilde is ahead, Alexander is behind us. The map is wrong."

"What?" I snatched my so-called "smart" phone back. The dot was exactly where it had been, still one block away from the destination pin. I prodded at the location button, trying to get it to refresh, but it didn't move. With an exasperated sigh, I tossed it back into my bag. Useless!

Luc wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we turned to double-back.

"This is exactly why I gave myself the full hour to get here," I leaned into him, glancing around the street. "In case I got lost." Even though I had lived in this city for three years, this neighbourhood was entirely unfamiliar to me... though that could be because all of the buildings were now in various states of renovation. Maybe I had been here before, but I no longer recognized the place.

"You know," he said, his gentle voice pulling me out of my thoughts. "If you're still shaken up, you don't have to go to this interview."

I bristled. "Yes, I do."

"You really don't," Luc insisted. "It's already been a tough day for you. You deserve a rest. And it's just a coffee shop. There will always be more coffee shops."

Straightening up, I shrugged off his arm and narrowed my eyes at him. "Have you spent the last four months throwing resumé after resumé at any business with an open sign? No. But I have, and I can tell you it's not that simple."

Luc said nothing, just gave me a understanding smile that instantly made me regret snapping at him.

"Sorry," I said, dropping my eyes. "I'm just... It's nerves."

"I know," Luc said, reaching for my hand and intertwining my fingers with his. "I know."

As we reached the corner of Alexander, I paused to look for the signature green of the coffee shop. This street, like the one behind us, had undergone a recent makeover. New glass-and-metal towers had been squeezed in-between the narrow, stone-built refurbished heritage buildings. Despite the fact that most of the buildings were empty still empty—with large signs of lease offers or coming soon! dominating their windows—the sidewalks were bustling with people.

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