Chapter 6: Happy

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The sun was bright and high by the time we pulled onto Alexander Street, and it wasn't even past eleven. I squinted at it behind the shade of my hand, wishing I had thought to bring a hat or something. Without it, I'd have to skirt the edge of buildings, skulking in the little shade they offered, otherwise I'd end up with a nasty burn... Another one. The thin white shirt I had borrowed from Polly's closet was wrist-length, but the sleeves were perforated by patches of lace; it wouldn't give me much protection.

The car rolled to a stop; Luc had pulled into a parking spot about midway down the block. From here, I could see the café, and just the sight of it made my whole body cringe. I quickly looked away, trying to put it out of my mind as well as scope out other places I could target for my resumés.

"Where were we meeting?" Luc asked Tory as he climbed out of the car.

Tory was already out on the sidewalk, pushing coins into the meter. "Just at the coffee shop," he said, nodding at the green awning that was taunting me from across the street. "The one I picked Rachel at yesterday."

I shuddered, but said nothing, focussing on getting out of the car myself. My hand just briefly touched the handle before Luc opened the door for me, and offered his hand. "Don't get too far, Rachel," he said, that same mischievous smile from this morning playing at his lips as he pulled me to my feet. "We won't be long. Shall we meet back here around noon?"

My gaze held his emerald eyes as he maneuvered me around the door so he could close it behind me. Though my optimistic half still had hope that the would keep his promise to spend the afternoon with me, the pessimist in me wouldn't relent.

"Why don't you just call when you're done?" I offered, finally, as he led up onto the sidewalk. "That way I won't have to wait around."

I hadn't meant it as a jab—not intentionally—but Luc's brows tightened, and his playful smile wilted. It was just for a moment, then his features settled and he gave a serene nod. "I'll call you, then. See you soon," he leaned in to give me a light kiss, "and good luck." He gave me a twitch of a smile before turning back to Tory.

I watched them wade into the street, wait for a lull in the cars, and then dart across before I set out in the exact opposite direction; I didn't want to risk even walking past the café, in case I was recognized. Putting the empty windows of Alexander behind me—including the very one that had caught Luc's attention, whose faded 'FOR RENT' sign still leaned against the glass—I made my way back to the main road and started looking in earnest.

The main road led west, and offered no relief from the sun; exposed, I quickly felt the hot bite of of the sun. I turned down the first corner in search of cover.

The advance of cold modern metal and glass had not quite reached this street. The tightly-packed buildings were grimy with weight of years in a city, but the windows of the ground-level shops were bright and shiny, not yet hollowed out by progress.

My pace slowed now that I was in the safety of the shade, and I took the time to carefully assess each business, weighing the likelihood of them hiring me. The trendy salon and accountant's office probably had no use for me, but the clothing store... The door gave a cheery jingle as I pulled it open and stepped inside.

The sun had only risen further by the time I had finished canvassing the entire side of the block. Now it was directly overhead, allowing no forgiving angles that produced shade, leaving me nowhere to hide. I fanned myself desperately as I crossed the street, my eyes darting nervously for some temporary refuge. There was another café on the corner that I made a bee-line for—an iced coffee would be heaven right about now—but when I tried the door it was locked; there was a simple sign taped to the door's glass window told me they were closed for repairs. Swearing and sweating, I continued past, throwing myself into the nearest open door, not even bothering to look at where it led.

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