Chapter Nine: My Decision

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Arriving at the royal residence, Sergio couldn't believe that he was actually back here to meet with Camille again; the last time that he had seen her was when he found out that she was expecting his baby. 

It had been a couple of weeks since he had made his decision and Sergio was more than sure that he was doing the right thing and he wasn't surprised his family weren't happy about this. 

Pilar was refusing to speak to him over his decision and Sergio guessed that a break-up would come around at some point; he wasn't going to turn his back on any of his children. 

Pressing the doorbell, Sergio waited at the door feeling still feel a little underdressed at the moment; he took a deep breath trying to ease his own mind about all of this. 

The door opened and Sergio stared at the man that had answered, he had no idea what he was letting himself in for and he hoped that he wasn't going to regret coming here today to do the right thing. 

"We have been expecting you, sir," the man said allowing Sergio to step inside, he shut the door behind him knowing that this meeting did not need any more attention than needed with all the press that where hovering around. 

Sergio nodded his head, he was a little worried about the fact that paparazzi had spotted him arriving and it would be all over the papers before he could do anything to stop it. 

The man led him upstairs to the drawing room where the meeting would take place, he paused outside of the door and knocked before he opened the door to reveal Camille waiting for them. 

"Presenting Her Serene Highness, Princess Camille of Monaco," the man introduced offering a small bow to Camille, who looked up nervously at the footballer that was stood in the room. 

They were both completely silent for a moment and neither of them were sure what to say to the other considering the situation that they were in.

"How have you been?" Sergio asked moving to sit down, he felt a little lost at what to say to her considering the position they were in now; he was feeling better about all of this and he wasn't going to change his mind about this. 

Camille was going to have his baby and Sergio just wanted to be a father to the child, he had no idea what she had planned but he understood that they would have to work on things.

"Better... no more morning sickness," Camille replied with a small smile, she was surprised that he had wanted to meet with her and even more surprised that his new agent had been the one to call and request the meeting. 

Sergio nodded glad to hear that she wasn't too ill with the pregnancy, he had worried that something might happen and he would be forced to sit around and wait for news on the baby. 

Now that they were talking, there was a chance for him to be a part of this and Sergio wanted nothing more than to ensure that his child was provided for. 

It had already been explained to him that since the baby would be born out of wedlock that there was no way that they could inherit or be granted any royal titles. 

However, considering that Camille's father was rather rich there was no problem in ensuring that the baby was cared for; Sergio wanted to contribute to this and he would do anything that he could to help. 

"I came to a decision," Sergio said getting down to business, he sat down on the couch and prepared himself for this talk; it wasn't going to be easy but he knew what he wanted. 

It was what he wanted and no one was going to talk him out of this, the baby was important to him just like Sergio Jr and Marco were now.

"I want to be a part of this," Sergio said hoping that Camille would be alright with that, she was the one that would have final say and he was determined to do what he could to be a part if his child's life. 

He had done his best research on her family and from what he seen, there was a chance that he might not be welcomed into spending time with the child considering what it was like for the others in his position. 

Sergio had noticed that the mothers of Camille's half-siblings were not invited to spend much time in the royal household like their children were. 

"I want to be a part of their life," Sergio clarified gently, he wasn't going to be one of those fathers that just paid money towards their child but never saw them. 

It wouldn't be easy for them to work this out but Sergio was hopeful that they would do something that would allow him to be a part of the child's life and spend time with them. 

Camille was silent as she took in what had been said, this was more than what she had hoped for and she was actually surprised that Sergio wanted anything to do with the baby. 

After what had happened with Pilar, Camille had thought that he would pretend like nothing had happened but the statement confirming that the child was his had certainly been a welcome surprise. 

Already there had been men talking to the press trying to claim that they were the father when they weren't; they were feeding into the media frenzy around the unborn child. 

"What does Pilar think about this?" Camille asked warily, she was worried about how the woman was dealing with this and she hoped that this wasn't going to cause any more trouble. 

Sergio frowned at the mention of his girlfriend, he didn't know what to do with her anymore and he wasn't concerned about what she thought about this. 

"This is my decision... not hers," Sergio insisted, nothing that Pilar could say would change his mind and he was prepared for what came next even if others didn't like it.

Pilar had made her position on his unborn child clear, she wasn't going to be able to accept the child nor would she allow her child by him to spend any time with their half-sibling should the chance arrive. 

There was nothing more to be said about it and Sergio just hoped that his own family would come around to the idea; he was tired with his mother trying to make him feel guilty for what had happened. 

She seemed determined to make him feel bad for cheating on Pilar and Sergio did feel guilty but he had to let go of that now and focus on the child that he had helped create. 

"I want to help Camille... I want to be there for appointments and such," Sergio said wanting to be a part of the pregnancy like he had been with Junior and Marco; he wanted to be there for this child in any way that he could. 

Of course this could be tricky since Camille officially lived in Monaco but it was only a two-hour non-stop flight and it was something that Sergio was willing to do whenever he had the chance. 

"Of course," Camille agreed with a nod of her head, it was better than what she had expected and she was just hopeful that she wasn't going to have to deal with anymore arguments. 

Sergio felt relief fill him that she hadn't just turned him down, he would set up a bank account for the child and put money in it so that they would have something when they were older. 

Maybe it would even help them go to a university of their choice, Sergio wanted the best for all three of his children and he was going to give it to them. 

"I have an appointment at the start of August," Camille informed him knowing that it could be a good start for them, she would be eighteen weeks pregnant then and they might be able to find out what they were going to have. 

Sergio nodded his head, he wasn't going to let anyone down this time and he was going to ensure none of his children felt left out.

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