Epilogue: The Duke and Duchess of Valentinois

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Pausing outside of the church, Camille couldn't quite believe that she was standing here about to be married to the man that she loved and the father to her children; the last few months had flown by without much thought. 

There was no denying that they'd had their issues but they had made it here and Sergio had been nothing but loyal to her since he had turned up on her door step all those months ago. 

They had gone on to have a beautiful baby boy, who had been wonderful birthday gift for both his parents who already shared the same birthday. 

Diego Carlos Gabriel Ramos Grimaldi had been a wonderful surprise and Sergio couldn't have been happier with the birth of their second child; he spent as much time as he could with all of his children. 

Isabel hadn't been as thrilled as her parents at the birth of her baby brother, she had cried quite a bit when she had been first introduced to him. 

Taking her father's arm, Camille smiled up at him knowing how proud of he was of her; he wanted nothing more than to make sure that the day was nothing but perfect for his eldest daughter. 

There would be many years before another royal wedding would be held in Monaco and Albert knew that he was in no hurry to see his youngest children grow up. 

Stepping into the church, Camille couldn't help but stare at Sergio as he waited for her at the end of the aisle; the room filled with many who had been invited to see them marry. 

His eyes locked on her as she made her way down the aisle towards her, he couldn't believe how beautiful she looked as she walked towards him. 

There had never been a doubt in his mind that they would get here and Sergio was even more thrilled that so many of his friends and family had made it here today. 

Isabel and Diego were seated with his parents and looked adorable in their outfits for the wedding; his oldest two sons were seated with his brother and his wife looking rather dashing.

Of course, there had been a moment of worry that Pilar might be petty and try to stop both of them from attending but she had been rather distracted recently; it had allowed both Junior and Marco to attend their father's wedding. 

Once Camille reached the end of the aisle, her father lifted her veil from her face and kissed her cheek before he gave her away; tears in his eyes knowing that her mother would be so proud. 

Taking Sergio's hand, Camille smiled at him a slight blush appearing as he whispered to her how beautiful she looked in her dress before the ceremony began.

Neither of them were able to keep their smiles hidden as the priest started the ceremony; today was about them and soon it would be official. 

Prayers were said, songs were sang and soon the words that they had waited on for so long were said; they peeked at one another knowing that this was it. 

Now they were ready to face the future together, no matter what happened as long as they both had each other that was all that mattered.



This is the end of My Little Princesa.

Thanks to everyone who read, commented and subscribed to this story, I couldn't have done it without any of you xxx

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