Chapter Thirty-Six: I Want You To Be Sure

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Stepping into her home, Camille couldn't help but smile to herself glad that they were home again; the longer that she lived in the Spanish capital, the more she found herself thinking of it as home compared to Monaco.

Her talk with her father had cleared her of most of her concerns when it came to things with Sergio; she knew that she loved him even if she did continue to have some concerns about their relationship.

There were so many what ifs that plagued her, and Camille was determined not to let them stop her now; she loved Sergio and she couldn't imagine her life without Isabel.

Leaving her suitcase by the door, Camille was a little surprised that Sergio hadn't come to greet them at the door like he did whenever she came home.

He even tried to get away from training early sometimes to come and pick them up from the airport when he had the chance to do so.

"Sergio?" Camille called softly, she was sure that he would be home, and he had mentioned in his text to her when she had told him that she was departing Monaco that he was going to treat them to lunch.

The boys were meant to be with their mother today and Camille was hopeful that things would become more settled especially now that she and Sergio were expecting a second child.

"Where's your papa?" Camille cooed picking up Isabel before moving further into the house to look for Sergio; she was sure that he was home since his car was in the drive way.

The house was silent, and Camille couldn't help but wonder where Sergio was, she had never known him to not come and greet them when they returned home.

It didn't take her long to track down Sergio, he was seated in the garden lost in thought staring across the pool; he jumped as Isabel squealed in excitement at seeing her father for the first time in a couple of days.

"There you are. Didn't you hear me calling?" Camille asked handing over their daughter, she smiled at him unable to stop herself and she knew that she was going to tell him soon how she felt.

Sergio didn't say anything, he hugged Isabel and pressed a kiss to her chubby cheeks; he knew that he had to tell Camille what had happened, but he didn't want to hurt her.

The kiss had meant nothing to him and he didn't know why Pilar was doing all of this now; they had broken up over a year ago and he had moved on with his life and wasn't interested in going back.

"Sergio?" Camille questioned, she stared at him and hoped that everything was alright; she didn't know what it was, but she suddenly couldn't shake the feeling that something had happened while she had been gone.

Sergio stared down at Isabel, he was going to do the right thing and he was sure that she was going to be upset when he told her about the kiss.

"Pilar and Xavier broke up and she came to see me," Sergio admitted softly, he looked up at Camille and wondered what must be going through her mind.

He had felt angry at Pilar for pulling this stunt after everything that they had been through; they would only go back to hurting one another if they got back together.

"She kissed me..." Sergio told her, he didn't want to ruin things between them, but he knew that if he didn't tell her then there was a chance that Pilar might do it instead.

Sitting down, Camille wasn't sure how to reply to what he had just told her; she hadn't expected this when she had come home and had planned to confess her feelings for him.

"It meant nothing to me," Sergio tried to reassure her, he gently took her hand while he settled Isabel on his lap; he didn't want her to doubt his decision to be with her.

Camille was silent while she allowed his words to sink in, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath while she tried to work out what to say in reply to his news; this had always been something that she had feared.

There had always been a part of her that had worried that Sergio might still have feelings for Pilar even after he had proposed to her and seemed content to marry her.

"Do you still love her?" Camille asked quietly, she knew that getting emotional wasn't going to help them here and they needed to talk about this.

It wasn't the easiest subject in the world to discuss but they couldn't ignore this especially if they wanted a future together; it was something that they needed to deal with now instead of later.

"No... things weren't right between us long before you or Isabel came into the picture, she's the mother of my boys and a part of me will always care about her but I don't love her anymore," Sergio explained with a shake of his head.

There was no denying that he cared about Pilar, she was the mother of his sons and he wanted her to be happy; even if things hadn't worked out like he had originally hoped for them when they had been dating.

"I want you to be sure about this Sergio... there can't be any doubt in your mind about who you want to spend the rest of your life with," Camille insisted offering him a small smile, she couldn't imagine how confusing all of this could be for him but he had been nothing short of amazing since she had told him that they were going to be parents.

"I love you Sese, but I need you to be certain about this, I don't want you to regret this or change your mind further down the line because you realise that you want to be with her," Camille said with a smile, she stared at him sure of her feelings and knowing that if he wanted Pilar then she would accept that.

Camille just wanted him to be happy, she didn't want to issue any ultimatums or cause any further trouble; they would still have to raise their children and she didn't want to make that anymore complicated than it needed to be.

Sergio stared at Camille, not sure if he had imaged her saying that she loved him and for a moment he was almost convinced that he had done; he swallowed knowing that he could have really messed things up with her.

"I think we need to take a break... you need to decide what you want, and I don't think that we can take another step before you are sure about this, about us," Camille said taking his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze; she was hopeful that a small break would work for them and she wasn't going to pressure him into anything.

He had clearly felt something when he had kissed Pilar if he felt this guilty about it; she was sure that it had been eating away from him judging by the fact that he had waited for her to come home like this.

Sergio opened his mouth to protest, he was certain about what he wanted, and it wasn't Pilar; however, he knew that Camille was right.

They had gotten engaged because he had been annoyed that people referred to Isabel as a royal bastard and it had gotten under his skin; he knew it had been rushed and had left her even more uncertain about them being together as a couple.

He hadn't told her that he hadn't pushed Pilar away when she had kissed him not wanting to hurt Camille more than needed but he knew that it had created a couple of minor doubts in his mind.

"Okay," Sergio agreed as a plan started to form in his mind, he would take the time that she was offering, and he would use it to correct the wrongs that he had made to begin with.

If he wanted a stable future with Camille, then there were things that he had to make right and deal with before he even consider taking the next step with her. 

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