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Taurus gasped loudly as he sat up in his bed. He found himself alone in the room. He tried getting off the bed but the iv didn't let him. He looked down at his bare stomach and his skin was almost completely healed, how long has he been asleep? 

The doctor burst in the room. "Nurse, patient has woken up from coma get some vitals stat!" He ordered. Taurus was pushed down in the bed and the nurse began listening to his heart, taking blood, all the usual stuff. "He is stable doctor." She confirmed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. "Perfect, very hungry and confused but perfect." Taurus smiled. "Your friends are waiting outside. They come here everyday to see you." The doctor smiled and looked out the the door.

His friends rushed in and attacked him with hugs. "I knew my bro would make it!" Scorpio put a hand in his shoulder. "Nice to see you made it!" Gemini handed him a bouquet. "I have got to say, your one tough cookie, in all honesty I thought you would die." Aries laughed.

"You must be starving!" Virgo handed him a box of cookies, brownies, sweets in general. "You need to get some calories on you." Virgo beamed a smile. "How long have a been in a coma?" Taurus said while munching on some food. "Three month..." Leo waited for his reaction.

"THREE MONTHS?!" Taurus choked on a cookie. "Don't die again!" Scorpio patted his back. He coughed until the feeling passed. He looked around with searching eyes. "Where's Aquarius?" He said. "She's not taking it well..." Virgo sighed. "Taking what well?" Taurus asked.

"She still thinks it's her fault your in a coma, she also refuses to visit you, thinking you will be mad at her." Virgo explained. "It's painful to watch your best friend not eat, drink, or even step out of the dorm. " Virgo looked at the ground.

"She had skipped her classes everyday since you fell into a coma." Pisces said. Taurus felt terrible "I have to go see her." He suddenly stood up and then grimaced at the sharp stab of pain in his abdomen.

"Your not fully recovered yet." Scorpio eased him back in the bed. "I have to see her!" He shouted. "Now is not the time to be stubborn!" Aries said strictly. "Relax, Cancer, Leo, and Libra left to go look for her." Sagittarius said. "Three months..." He couldn't believe it.

Sagittarius's phone rang. "Cancer? You can't find her? You looked all over campus?" Sagittarius shut his phone off. "She is not on campus." Sagittarius said softly. "She is probably by the buttercup field, she goes there everyday at midnight since the last three months." Virgo explained.

"I'm going, DON'T STOP ME!" He shouted, ripping the iv out. He didn't even pay attention the fact he was shirtless. The cold wind bit into his bare skin as he stepped out, he was barefoot as well. It was winter? Small flurries of snow began to fall.

His friends called after him but he paid no attention. He walked barefoot to the buttercup field. Taurus was shivering by the time he got there. He looked at the yellow blanket of buttercups and in the middle was a little clearing, Aquarius was sitting, her knees pulled tightly to her chest and was staring off into the distance.

"AQUARIUS!" He yelled as loud as she could. She gasped and frantically wiped her face. She stood up and faced Taurus, she was pretty far away. Taurus began to step but Aqua shouted at him. "Don't step in it!" She silently walked to him.

"The buttercups are poisonous, the can cause a rash when touched." She said quietly, not looking him in the eyes. Taurus studied her. She looked thinner, and she had dark circles under her eyes. "How did you get to the center?" He asked. "I wore long pants." She looked at the ground.

"Look at me." He said gently. Aquarius refused and said "I hate you....so so much." She seemed angry. "No you don't." Taurus forgot about the cold. "Yes I do, now leave me alone, you must be freezing not wearing anything." She turned her back to him.

"See? You worry about me." Taurus pointed out. Aqua clenched her fists and shouted at his face "I HATE YOU!" She felt tears slide down her cheeks and she began to sob. "Why do you hate me?" He asked quietly. "B-because you left for three months..." She didn't realize what she was saying. "You left me for three months." She sobbed out.

Taurus listened carefully. "I hate you because I always thought you were too perfect for me, that I could never like someone as good as you. I hate you because you like me and are able to smile even when you know I hate you, I envy that!" She covered her face with her hands.

The cold wind blew and pushed her hoodie back, her long black hair flew freely in the wind. Taurus smiled down at her. His own black hair was ruffled by the wind. His startling blue eyes held a sincere apology.

Taurus grabbed her wrists and gently pulled down her hands to reveal her face. "I don't care that you hate me, all I care is that your ok." He caresses her cheek. "I'm not ok...I-I don't know how to handle my feelings." She looked up at him, her chocolate brown eyes asking for help.

"Let me help, what do you feel now?" Taurus said. "I feel...empty... like an empty shell." She sniffed. Taurus smiled and leaned down to her face. "Let me fix that." He pressed his lips to hers, Aqua gasped at the sudden touch but eventually she melted and followed his movements.

Taurus felt her smile as they were sharing the intimate kiss, making him smile to. He pulled away. "Are you still empty?" He teased. Aqua looked at him and cried "IM SORRY!" She pulled him in a tight hug.

"There you go again, with your unnecessary sorries." He sighed and put his lips to her head. "I'm sorry..." She sniffled. Taurus let out an exasperated sigh. Aqua then realized that he was shirtless. She scrambled away, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." She repeated quickly.

"If you say I'm sorry again, I will go back in a coma." Taurus jokingly threatened. "I don't mind, you kept me warm." He winked. Aquarius felt her face get even hotter. "Ok help me inside. I'm freezing." Aqua nodded and let him lean on her.

Leo and Libra were hiding in the pushes. "That's my boy, just scored a girl!" He cheered. Libra playfully punched him and stood up, wiping away stray leaves. "Why did you call me out here to watch them?" Libra raised an eyebrow.

Leo shrugged "I don't know." And walked away. Libra felt a bit disappointed but shook it off and walked with him.

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