Chapter 8

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Kyoki POV

"Well, well if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rouge ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist," Kakashi said walking towards the sword guy, who I now know is Zabazu. Since Kakashi knows who he is it means one of two things: One, Kakashi reads bingo books or two, Kakashi is associated with criminals. Weirdly, I hoping for the second option.

Naruto was about to charge at Zabuza, he must have a death wish, but Kakashi stopped him. Kakashi, always there to help the idiots known as humans. I almost feel sorry for him, but I don't because what's the point in that? I'm just glad I'm not in his shoes, I wouldn't be able to live up to the title of 'Hero', nor would I want to.

"You're in the way, get back," Kakashi said to Naruto, probably crushing his hopes and dreams, yay. 

"But why?" Naruto asked, clearly confused. Ugh, if this guy was able to sneak up on us without anyone, except Kakashi and Nakimasu noticing, you'd think it'd be self-explanatory. Well, I guess you just can't teach an idiot common sense.

"This guy is on a whole other level Naruto," I sighed.

"Well, who asked you?!" Naruto shouted.

"Technically speaking, you asked a question and I answered it. Besides, if you fought this guy, I'd be surprised if you didn't die," And I'd be happy if you did.

"Well, then Smart-guy got a plan?!" Naruto shouted.

"It's in the works," I said.

"Huh?" was the reply I got back. Of course he doesn't understand. Can someone please invent something that translates English to idiot? 

"Protect the bridge builder! I taught you team work, now use it," Kakashi said as he pulled his headband up, only to reveal the Sharingan.

"Technically speaking, we haven't been a squad long enough for you to teach us anything," I spoke up.

Kakashi sighed, clearly annoyed, "Kyoki, now is not the time for you to be you."

"Bitch," I muttered.

"What was that?" Kakashi asked.

"I called you a bitch, do you have mud in your ears?" I sighed. Why did I have to be put on this squad? They're all annoying. Kakashi shot me a glare before he redirected his attention towards Zabuza. A thick mist suddenly surrounded us and Kakashi got ready to attack.

"I need to kill the old man," Zabuza said. You know, for ninjas, these guys talk, A LOT.

If you want to kill the old man that badly, go ahead, I almost said that aloud. Oops.

Sakura asked a couple of stupid questions and Kakashi answered them. Seriously people, we're supposed to be ninjas! Not idiots!

"If we fail, we only lose our lives," Kakashi said. 

"Sorry to disappoint you, Kakashi, no wait no I'm not, but I'm not going to die just yet," I yawned.

"The mist is getting thicker," Naruto said. Brilliant observation, Naruto, if only we would've have noticed without your incredible commentary. Oh wait.

Tazuna started talking, seriously can we just let him die? This is getting ridiculous! If another person says something before Zabuza attacks, I'm sitting this fight out.

"Sensei," Sakura said, when Kakashi disappeared in the mist. Oh for the love-

". . . Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke," I said as calmly as possible.


"What?" Sakura and Naruto asked.

"Shut the hell up. We're ninjas, ninjas are supposed to be silent, deadly killers. Not stupid children."

Naruto and Sasuke glared at me and Sakura looked surprised. 

Kakashi did a hand sign, which caused the mist to disperse. Just the sight of Kakashi annoyed me. I had to resist the urge to flip off Kakashi. . . These idiot Leaf ninjas have used up all of my tolerance today.

I must've toned out, again, because Sasuke seemed to have a mini freak out, which meant he wasn't paying attention to anything else. I smiled slightly and carefully walked behind him. "Boo," I whispered in his ear. As soon as he spun around, to most likely hit me, I was back in the spot I was before.

Kakashi noticed the weird little 'incident' and said, "Sasuke, I'll protect you with my life, all of you." I don't need protecting! I'm not some damsel in distress. That's Naruto! . . . And apparently Sasuke. "I will not let my comrades die, trust me."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Zabuza said. He was suddenly in between all of us genin, oh and the stupid bridge builder. His sword was in his left hand and he was forming a hand symbol with his right hand. He's ambidextrous, I suppose that comes in handy for a swordsman. 

"It's over," Zabuza said. Kakashi suddenly attacked Zabuza, I'm so bored! I just want to go home. Let's just let the guy die, then leave. We're done here, bye. No? Seriously? Why not?

Water, that's what came from the wound Kakashi created when he stabbed Zabuza with a kunai. Water clone, I sighed internally. The real Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi. He swung his sword at Kakashi, which somehow managed to cut Kakashi in half. . . . Water clone, again.

Kakashi suddenly had a kunai against Zabuza's neck. "Don't move," Kakashi said. Surprisingly, Zabuza obeyed and Kakashi said, "Now, it's over." If this is another water clone, I will punch Sasuke. Naruto and Sakura started cheering. Sasuke seemed to be the only one that appeared to be skeptical.

Zabuza started blabbing again. What part of ninjas don't these people understand?! That's when another Zabuza attacked Kakashi. . . . Note to self: Punch Sasuke later.

That's it I'm done! Luckily, Nakimasu seemed to notice my annoyance, because he slithered out of my sleeve. He slithered into the surrounding forest and I followed him. None of the others seemed to have noticed.

"These squad annoys you so much. I've only ever seen two other people that annoy you this much," Nakimasu said as he curled up on a rock.

"You have a point there," I mumbled before sitting down in front of him.

"Speaking of people who annoy you, when do you think she'll show up?" Nakimasu asked.

"Which she? The super short one or the one I hate?"


"For the one I hate, soon, she won't let me leave without a fight. As for the other one, I'm pretty sure she's already found us . . . She's just waiting for the opportune moment to show up," I said with a yawn.

"Well, at least the short one will protect you no matter what."

"Yeah, or kill whoever I say," I said with a small smirk on my lips.

We must've been gone longer than I thought, because I heard Sakura shouting my name.

"Come on, Nakimasu," I said as I stood up. I held my hand out to Nakimasu and he slithered up my sleeve. These guys are extremely annoying.

When I arrived back at the clearing Sasuke glanced at me. Naruto and Tazuna were carrying Kakashi, who was unconscious. Sasuke walked over to me before quietly saying, "I want an explanation as to why you have a snake later."

That's when I punched him.

Akuma: I am so terribly sorry for taking so long to update. I've been dealing with writer's block lately, plus a lot of stuff has been going on in my life. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I will try to update as soon as possible. Thanks for reading~

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