Chapter 11

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Akuma: Hey guys, so let me tell you all now, this book is about to earn it's title. I'm not going to change the rating because based off of the title alone you should've known it was gonna get dark. I mean it's not called "The Insanity Of A Genius" for nothing. That being said, enjoy the chapter.

Kyoki POV

After Naruto arrived him and Sasuke got trapped in an ice mirror thingy? Maybe I should start paying attention.

Nakimasu started to slither back when suddenly he flew to the other side of the bridge. Zabuza kicked him. A low growl escaped my throat.

"You're really that attached to the snake?" Zabuza said as if he did nothing wrong. I glared at him. "Were you one of those kids who was abandoned by their parents and only had an animal as a friend?" Zabuza asked. My hand went to the hilt of my knife.

"Or maybe you're a kid who killed people they cared about and only have animals to comfort you," Zabuza continued. Killed people they cared about? People? Killed? Care about? People. . . Cared about . . . Killed?

"It's your fault."

"It wasn't my fault! It wasn't my fault! It's not my fault!" I shouted clutching my head. "Get out! Get out! Get out of my head!"

"Kyoki?" Kakashi mumbled.

Third POV

"Kyoki?" Kakashi gasped as he reached out to touch the boy. The boy froze before Kakashi even touched him. Kyoki's breathing was shortened, as if he was forcing himself.

"It's not fair, it's not fair," Kyoki mumbled repeatedly. Zabuza raised an eyebrow at the kid.

"What's he freaking out about?" Zabuza said. All of a sudden a laugh could be heard coming from the boy.

"You deserve to die," He said looking up at Zabuza. His hood had slipped a little, only to reveal an insane grin.

Everyone (Except the three in the Ice) stared at him wide eyed. "Kyoki! Snap out of it!" Sakura shouted. Kyoki barely even glanced at her. Kakashi placed a hand on Kyoki's shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin.

"Huh? Oops," Kyoki said as he fixed his hood. Kakashi sighed, I'm definitely going to need to talk to Lord Hokage about this. He seems mentally unstable and definitely not suitable to be around people.

Ugh, I'm letting myself be swayed to easily by what people say. I can't let this continue, I need to work my mental barrier, Kyoki internally growled.

"You're different from the others on your squad," Zabuza commented.

"Thanks for noticing," Kyoki said, seemingly back to his normal self. His hand was shaking slightly as he reached for the hilt of his knife once again. Maybe this time he'll get to use it.

Kyoki charged at Zabuza, knife in hand.

"It's official he's insane," Sakura muttered.

Kyoki slashed at Zabuza, who kept backing up to avoid the attacks. Kakashi hurriedly followed Kyoki to make sure he doesn't die.

Zabuza froze when the back of his foot touched something. He looked down and saw two kunais with a string attaching them. Zabuza tilted his head in confusion.

Instead of using the opportunity to attack Zabuza, Kyoki stopped in front of him. His thoughts were still going wild and he couldn't think straight.

Zabuza glanced at him. "Who was it?" Zabuza asked.


"Who's death were you blamed for?"

". . . That's none of your business," Kyoki mumbled.

"Whoever it was you two must have been close. Considering, just thinking about what ever happened makes your mental stability collapse. But my guess is you've been on the edge of a break down for a while now and the smallest thing could cause it," Zabuza said. Unknown to Zabuza, Kyoki's eyes were wide under his hood.

Kyoki POV

He was able to read me that easily? Ugh, he's right though. Keeping everything pint up isn't a good idea. It's leaving me susceptible to attacks.

I glanced at Kakashi as he walked up.

My eyes widened as I felt a strong presence. Kakashi seemed shocked as well. This presence, it isn't human, but it can't be regular animal either. Can it?

Zabuza must have thought we had completely forgotten about him because he started to swing his sword at us. I took a step back, but not quick enough.

My hand went to my stomach, which is where I got slashed. Kakashi didn't seem to notice, seeing as he was pulling out a scroll. It looks like he got cut too, just not as deep. My eyes darted to where Naruto and Duckbutt were last, but the ice wasn't there anymore. Kakashi can take care of this, right? Well, if he can't sucks to be him because I'm leaving anyway.

I kept my hand pressed against my stomach as I carefully walked to where the ice was like five minutes ago. I look away for like two minutes and it's gone, that isn't normal. I get this universe has half-ass explanations for practically everything, but I need an answer. . . . What the hell is wrong with me? I'm bleeding out and all I care about is a fucking explanation.

Oh well, we all die eventually, might as well die with some answers. As I got closer, I could barely make out a figure on the ground. Sakura and Tazuna were walking towards the figure as well. . . . So, that means it's most probably Duckbutt.

Once I got close enough to tell who it was I stopped walked. Looks like I was right. Sakura started bawling her eyes out. I looked down and saw blood slipping through my fingers, greeeat.

This is not going to end well for me either way. Option one, I die. Option two, I live . . . and have to deal with a depressed squad. Oh lovely, so option two is a fate worse than death and option one is death. . . What lovely options.

"Sasuke's alive!!!" Sakura suddenly shouted, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I must have been lost in my thoughts for a handful of minutes or something because by the time I was aware of my surroundings Zabuza and Haku were dead. . . Wait what? You know what, I don't want to know.

I started to take a step forward, but that's when the ground got really close to my face. My vision is getting . . . blurry? My thoughts . . . are getting more jumbled and . . . delayed? Ugh. . . Someone shouted . . . I think it was Sakura? . . . I don't know.

There was a small pool of red around me. . . Is that my blood? . . . Of course it is.

"Kyoki, are you okay?" a voice asked. I think it was . . . Naruto? . . . What?

"Hn, idiot," another voice mumbled. That has to be Sasuke. I tried to focus on the person in front of me . . . Sakura? She looks . . . worried? . . . Why though? . . . It doesn't make sense. . . Why would they care . . . if I die?

It doesn't make any . . . sense.

Third POV

Tazuna looked at the edge of the bridge. The mist was clearing up and what looks to be a boy was propped up against the side of the bridge. The figure practically bolted towards them when Kyoki collapsed.

Tazuna rubbed his eyes and saw that it was just Nakimasu. Maybe I should stop drinking? Tazuna thought.

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