Part 4

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"God did not put us on this earth to deceive him, he has put everyone of us here to worship him and lead others onto his word! Can I get a Amen?"


I watched as my dad broke out in a sweat as he did what he does best. Constantly checking the time, I squirmed in my seat a little excited about brunch with Jerome, those high cheek bones and that bright inviting smile that night at the club eventually got me to fall. Then suddenly there were the late night phone calls, and the occasional dinners. When he talked I not only listened but I got lost in his beautiful eyes and dreamed about his juicy-

"Mystery...girl wake up!"

Blinking rapidly my face burned with embarrassment as the whole congregation stared at me with curious looks upon their faces. The scold on my moms face told me I was going to hear about it when I got home. Letting out a sigh, I brushed out the wrinkles on my peach dress and made my way up front. Grabbing the microphone from my father, I let out a low hum.

"I sing...because I'm happy, and I sing because I'm free!" I sang out in a powerful saprano voice.

"Damn baby girl you can sing!"

Blushing I rubbed the side of Jerome's face admiring his soft skin. Breathing heavily I laid my head onto his strong chest cherishing every moment.

"J, can I ask you something?" My heart thumped a little faster as I awaited his answer.

"Sure thing, wassup?"

"What are we," biting my bottom lip I rubbed my thumb over his hand," is there any future between us?" I said quietly picking at my fingernail.

When I heard no reply I looked up to see him looking down at me with a curious look upon his face. Scratching his goatee, he hummed slightly.

"See I've been asking myself that same damn question. But I realized I'm just waiting on you..." Staring at me he pinched my cheeks, grazing his lips over mines a tingling sensation went through my body.

"Well guess what? You don't have to wait anymore."

Ryann POV

Rolling my eyes in disgust I threw my bag into the car. My nose flared in anger as I watched my husband fondle on Ms. Turner, or should I say Kiesha. It was one thing to do it behind my back, but right in front of my face? Kicking off my Calvin Klein heels, I laid back in my seat amused. One minute he's praising god, next he's cheating on his wife!

"Why do you let him do this to you?"

I questioned myself out loud, it was time I actually did something. Sobbing to my friends solved nothing.

"Tyhiem baby I made up my mind,  I'm ready to be with you." Smirking I bit my nails as I waited for his reply.

"That's what I wanted to hear."

Hanging up I squealed in excitment just as my husband got into the car. Smiling widely I applied the bright red lipstick Tyhiem had gotten me. Tracing my fingers around the diamond necklace he also got me, my heart thumped rapidly as I felt something I had never felt before.

"What's got you so happy?"

Marcus asked leaning in, quickly dipping his head for a kiss, I snarled and quickly jerked my head away. Staring up at him intently I quickly pulled off my wedding ring, so many years went down the drain, and I did not give one single fuck.

"Take this shit along with your hussy, you call yourself a preacher,  but you don't even obey what you preach!" I spat beaming the ring at his forehead.

Let the Church say Amen- Urban FictionWhere stories live. Discover now