Part 10

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Envious eye's swung my way, and gasp seemed to brutally peirce the air. Although it seemed as if I ran shit around here, I had no control over what and who won the bets. We sold women to normal men and then there was the S&M crowd, but that was way better than the really rich, but screwed in the head fuckers around here.

"50 million, going once, twice, sold to our very own Jerome Cassel!"

While the auctioneer yelled excitedly about my "prize" I took wide strides towards the stage. Everything seemed so...perfect, it made me want to stop and just admire the beauty that covered up all the ugliness that harbored behind these walls. The cream colored curtains with gold lining hung from the glass windows, it was almost enough to convince me that what we were doing wasn't illegal! Barely scribbling onto the check book, I blatantly shoved it into the auctioneers hand, the bright lights consumed me, I wanted off of the stage. The lights seemed to expose me, my shyness got the best of me as I avoided the curious looks from a couple of my employees.

Taking the halkway to the nearest exit, I listened for the echoes of those damn silver, diamond encrusted high heels which she could barely walk in. Realizing she hadn't said a word yet I slowed down a little catching a well needed breath. Bitter thoughts pushed their way into my mind, I could not stand to hold my tounge anymore!

"Your an embarrassment to your daughter, you let that little boy talk you into selling yourself?"

Uncovering my face, my back hit the cold concrete wall as I took the time to study her reaction.

"You can come with me or go back inside..."

Before I had finished my sentence, she had seemed to grudgingly ignore my words, my feet had seemed to become more intresting at this point. She had did exactly what I expected her to do, leave, listening to that echo once again, my face got hot with anger, and my chest tighted. Snapping my head up, I watched her shadow crawl farther and farther up these concrete walls. She had choosen her faith, she was more than dead.

Tyheim POV

Kissing my teeth I stared down at Mason's immobilized body. Nudging his head slightly with the toe of my shoe, I chuckled as I realized some nigga had knocked him out cold.

"Thats what happens when you suck dick in the bathroom."

Seeing nothing but open space and opportunity, I lifted him by his shoulders. Steadying myself against the shattered mirror, I prayed to god I didn't rip my new Versace suit, dragging him through the barhroom I caught a look at his powdered face, my heart dropped, it needed to be done. Mason was one to get revenge, and with Ryann in the picture, I could tell he felt betrayed. He knew all my secrets, he could easily give a drop to the police for a couple thousand!

My feet crunched over the broken glass, smearing through the dark red blood coming from his head. Damn this nigga was heavy, my arms were sore and so was my back but that wasn't stopping me from killing my secrets. Dropping Mason into the bathroom stall, my back hit the wall while beads of sweat dripped down my face, drenching the colloar of my vest. This was much harder than I thought it would be! Looking down at the dead weight I still had yet to lift into the toilet. Brushing my thumb across my smooth cheek, I admired the fact that he was still out cold, was this nigga already dead?


Mason's eye's fluttered open slowly, causing me to curse under my breath. Lifting him up slowly, I hung his head over the toilet. A confused look crossed his face, looking into the toilet and back at me horror indulged his face when he realized what I was going to do.


Shoving his head into the toilet, he strained with me but I wasn't going to let him get away. This was murder, and I was a killer.


Damn, I had gotten so used to the gun, this was my first time in two years killing another man with my hands and shit, I was tired. Rolling down the cuffs of my sleeves, I frowned slightly at the smudge of lipstick Mason had left, this shirt needed to be burned. But that was a later type situation, realizing I had missed Ryann's auction I searched for the one man I knew watched everything. Banco the bodyguard, tough,  baldhead, with tattoos that seemed to cover every peice of free skin but his face. Everybody knew Banco, although he had never said one word to anyone, he seemed to always be there, he was trained to never say a word but shit money was never denied.

Walking right up to Banco, I ignored the seemingly quiet ballroom and shoved past men who's bank accounts exceeded mines, but a young hustler like me walked and talked like I could buy and sell them ten times over.

"I know your a man of no words, but what can ten thousand get me?"

Leaning against the nude satin wallpaper, I ran my long fingers acroos the creases within my shirt making sure he knew a young nigga was serious.

"A whore, and if your lucky a bottle of beer or two, but definitely a whore," he drawled in a deep country accent, which made me lift an eyebrow in surprise.

Snickering, I suddenly felt too nervous to go through with a conversation, the way his grin lopsided, and his eye's peirced me made me put up my gaurd a little.

"Naw man," looking around the clustered room I noticed that the clock had striked twelve,"I meant info, on the man who brought that girl...Ryann?"

Swinging those peircing eyes my way once again his face contorted in confusion.

" Well he is one of the richest men in here, you watch porn right?"

Taken aback by his question he howled out a laugh as I nodded my head confused.

"He's the CEO of Brazzers, I don't know why he brought that old broad for so much... I mean she ain't worth millions."

Soaking up the information, I knew I had struck gold. That was the same man I had gotten Mason to talk to, as soon as he realized how good Ryann was in the sheets he would sign out the video, making her and I rich.

"There he goes now."

Snapping my head in the direction that Banco's beefy fingers pointed in. I was  pissed when I realized he was talking about Jerome, one of the CEO's of Brazzers and Mystery's finance. Fucking pretty boy, I knew by him buying Ryann he was trying to be captain save a hoe. Waving off Banco I headed towards Jerome, deciding to cross on more name off of my hit list.

"How's the wife?"

Chirping into his ear, he already knew it was me, taking his time to turn towards me, I couldn't hide the jealousy on my face. He was everything I wanted to be, rich, successful, shit he even had my dream girl. Nit even a little salty, I was heated at the fact that a rich nigga took my bitch!

"Perfect, treated as a queen should be treated."

Looking over me Jerome smirked a knowing smirk, he knew I was upset about Mystery choosing him over me.

"Queen? Last time I checked she was a whor-"

"Mr. Cassell, it's time to shut down and the DJ needs his check."

Stiffly looking towards the manager that interrupted me, a quirky smirk told me that Jerome took me as a joke. I was heated, treating me like a little ass boy didn't make his nor Mystery's situation any better, but it sure as hell gave me an excuse to pick a bone with him. Bumping into me as he glided away, I couldn't help but stand there and scratch that itch that urged me towards my gun.

Wassup my wattpad family , but the other day I was told that this book was all over the place, and of course I shut en down like bish whet? Bye hoe, when you write 10 chapters holla at ya girl honey boo boo lol, but to my serious readers do you feel as if this book is all over the place? This chapter is the climax, and I was really just trying to prove a point veiwed from different people's lives, so is it really all over the place?

And btw I'm writing a new book, and I want you my beautiful readers to choose my location so drop those comments below, answering my question above and a location to be picked. I will announce the winner and give them a S/O plus a chapter dedicated to them and a follow back ❕❕❕❕

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