Part 8

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Mystery POV

"Like a fucking roach, that's how I felt, aint nobody help me. Shit I was on my own, I said, 'Fuck that wack ass education, my man is a drug dealer,' it was all gravy until he beat my ass to death."

A deathly silence engrossed the large ballroom, as dozens of people earning their psychology degree watched sincerely as the woman on stage let out a cry of emotional pain. The words that had reached my ears hit me hard as I realized that that could've been me. Shit I almost quit school for Tyheim, just like my mom had for my dad.

My chest tightened as thoughts of hate ran through my mind, I never thought the bitch that would fuck my man would be my momma. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched the deranged woman continue to cry. Quickly grabbing my heavy tote from the soft chairs, my legs couldn't have moved any faster as I rushed out. Tossing on my large sunglasses that covered most of my face, I headed towards my car.

Laying the bag across the backseat, I comfortably laid back turning on the AC while I was at it.

"Look man I'm supposed to be inside, the deals off! First you mess with my money, now my family? What's next, my life?"

Curiously looking towards the car next to me, a bold voice yelled out in frustration. Rubbing the edge of my acryliced nails against my chin, my ears perked up when I recognized the voice of my dad. Inching the window down slowly, I searched for him, but only got the same veiw of the deep green tree's blowing in the wind.

When I found out about Tyheim and my mom sleeping together my dad had slipped my mind! It never was apparent to me that maybe my dad knew of the secret relationship, ain't that some shit? Well as of now, there were no more fucks I could give. Eyeing the bright diamond ring that hugged my finger, the thought of Jerome caused a smile to tug at my lips.

"Come on now, be a good Pastor and pay your tide's," flicking my eyes quickly from my hand towards my car window my mouth dropped in amazement as I spotted Tyheim and my Father, "you wanted a video of Ryann getting raped and that's what you got!"

Lifting a perfectly arched eyebrow, my heart sped up as his menacing words repeated in my mind. What the fuck was going on? Tyheim, I could understand him doing some sick shit, but my father? The oh so holy Pastor? Gripping the edge of my leather sterring wheel tightly I fumbled around for the gas as the bitter bile from my stomach threatened to upchuck.

Driving faster and faster towards Tyheims house in the heart of L.A, I some how controlled the panic that surged through my heart. My mother needed me, I could feel it. Gradually stopping at a red light, I cursed under my breath as I realized I was no where near South Central. Looking towards the everlasting red light, I quickly punched in my moms number I knew by heart.

"Mystery? Baby, whats wrong?"

Tears flooded my eyes with relief as she groggily answered, although she sounded as if she was near to death, it was better than her being 6ft under.

"Get dressed I'm coming to get you!"

Barking comands into the phone, I quickly pressed the gas as the light turned green. This was some bullshit, waiting for a reply I cruised down the street's of L.A.

"Why? Let me- Tyheim baby is that you?"

Cringing at how smoothly and easily the word 'baby' had rolled off of her tounge, I merely ignored it as I realized I was too late.

"Mommy no! Listen to me, he is not to be trusted, he got you raped-"

Listening to his deep voice reply, I instinctively shut up. Rolling my eyes towards the ceiling of my car, I settled in the parking lot of Burger King. As I numbly listened to him smooth talk her like he used to do to me, I couldn't help but chuckle menacingly.

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