Chapter 13: Distraction.

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{Jezzabelles Pov}

"Jezzabelle!" someone shouted in my ear as my eyes flew open seeing Alexis on top of me looking concerned.

"What?! Whats wrong?!" I ask trying to get up before I noticed I couldn't move my legs and arms.

Alexis concerned look turned into a smirk as I looked at him confused. He got up as I looked around seeing a was in a room with brick walls, air dents, and a steel door with no windows at all.

"Poor, stubborn, innocent, little belle" Alexis says his hands tracing my side as I flinch.

"What are you doing M&M's?" I ask nervously as he chuckles.

"Your still with all that best friend bullshit?" He says laughing as I pull against the chains.

"Your literally chained to a metal desktop in a torture room with me and all you think about is me actually still wanting to be your best friend!" he asks before bursting in laughter.

"Since your innocent little mind cant prosper things faster, I'll just explain the whole thing to you princess" he says with a smirk before pulling a remote out as the cold metal desktop I was chained to tilted.

The desk top turned till I was facing Alexis but still chained on my legs, arms, and neck. He walked forward with a smirk before caressing my cheek.

"Your so cute" he says with a smile before turning around.

"Now! To inform you of what happened to me, after I left elementary I happened to run into a few trouble some people on the way. They were raised poorly, did drugs, and were very dangerous people. As I got older I started to realize that after finding those people , I realized that these people were like family to me. They took care of me, helped me, and raised me better then my drunk father and whore of a mother. I ran away from home in the seventh grade. My new family took me in, showed me lots of new things, and get this" he says with a chuckle.

"They needed a leader, and who do you think that was going to be?" he asks stupidly as I glare at him.

"Jesus?" I ask sarcastically as he laughs.

"Your funny, but no" he says walking towards me.

"Me" he whispers into my ear before laughing.

"I became the leader of the Ace" he says with open arms as my eyes widen.

"And now, this is when your part comes in" he says turning to a table as I pull at the chains.

"See, all these years the Ace has been trying to be the most feared gang in the world, but the stupid Skullz had to ruin it" he says turning around with something in his hands as I shook with fear.

"See, all these years I've been trying to find a weakness to this big and scary Sebastian Black, and now" He says pulling out a sharp blade as my eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"I finally did" he whispers into my ear as I felt a sharp pain in my right hip before letting out a scream.

"Dont worry princess, theres lots more for you to scream to" he chuckles before dragging the table in front of my chained bodu as my eyes widened at the long row of painful objects.

"Your prince charming will be here in a bit, so how bout we hurry things up" he smiles before picking up a small sharp knife and sticking it in my left thigh as I scream out in pain.

After screaming more times in my life plus the humongous bodies of water falling out of my eyes, my eyes grew heavy. I knew they were puffy and red, just like my lower body that had blood flowing like a freaking river, I thought I was gonna die after he cut across my left hip to my lower thigh. Just as my eyes were about to close I heard the sounds of bullets and shouting coming from outside of the room. Alexis smiled before I felt the chains on me being removed. I almost fell before a pair of arms picked me up bridal style.

"Oh you need to stay awake for the rest of the show princess" he says kissing my forehead as I see the ceiling on top of us moving and his footsteps echoing through the walls.

I heard the shooting and shouting get closer as Alexis keeps his head up with a smirk. We came to a door before a group of men came to our side nodding at Alexis before smirking down at me.

I heard the sound of metal doors sliding open before the sounds of guns and shouts came to a stop. I turned my head seeing Sebastians men pointing their guns at Alexis men. I looked around till my eyes spotted their leader. A very shocked and concerned Sebastian was looking straight at me with hurt in his eyes before they turned back angry seeing the person carrying me.

"Why hello Skullz, you nice and comfortable?" Alexis announces as Sebastian glares at him.

"Give me the girl!" Sebastian shouts pointing his pistol at him before Alexis men cock their guns and point it at a careless Sebastian.

"Yeah uh no, first you give me the money then I will give you your precious girl" alexis chuckles before turning to me and kissing my cheek as I hear a growl from Sebastian.

"Here!" Sebastian shouts as I see five duffel bags being thrown at Alexis feet.

"Now let her go" Sebastian says trying to calm down as an idea popped into my head.

Just as Alexis men grabbed the bags I put all my strength into this stupid distraction. In a matter of seconds I grabbed Alexis by his hair and kissed him lustfully before gun shots were hitting his men off guard. Alexis tried to pull away but I wrapped my arms around neck and kissed him deeper. Just as I pulled away he was shocked and smiling before being pulled away from me without notice. In a heartbeat I was pulled out of his arms and into Sebastians before I see his neck being snapped and I hide my face into the comfortable chest next to me.

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