Chapter 9: Winter Sickness

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(A/N- Check out my BillDip Story!! 'I see your colors'. it's basically how Dipper came into all this. The first chapter is short but it's basically a prologue. I hope you enjoy now, bye!)

It was around winter time, somewhere in the middle of December. A blue haired boy lazily opened his eyes, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "I don't wanna get up" He mumbled to himself. Alas, he dragged himself out of bed, but he fell over soon after. "Ugh, my back hurts" He murmured.

"Will~ It's that time of the year again" Bill groaned from the other side of the house. A sigh escaped Will's lips as he knew what was happening.

Every end of the year, demons become rather sick because of all the snow. Water is a weakness to both of the Cipher twins so they both have to dress in full layers of clothing and stay inside. Basically a cold until winter ends, a big pain.

"Are you sure you are gonna be okay enough to go to school" Pine tree asked, letting Bill rest on his lap while he ran his fingers through his hair. Will nodded putting on Dipper's clothes that he had not yet given back. The thick glasses plopped over his eyes. "I'll be f-fine" He stuttered, strapping his backpack over his shoulder.

Pine tree watched him off, a bit of concern still nagging at him. Will on the other hand was just trying to make it to school in one piece. "I hate the cold" He pouted, walking inside the school. He felt a lot eyes watch him, probably because he didn't have his geeky clothes on. Another shiver came on him as he pulled his sweater closer.

"Let this winter end" He growled a bit, even surprising himself at his tone. "Why do you want winter to end" A voice said behind him, making himself jump. Will turned around and became face to face with Dipper. A sigh of relief released from his lips and he grinned "N-no reason, j-just you k-know- winter s-sickness?". Dipper tilted his head before shrugging it off and walking with the blue haired boy.

"Where d-did your crew go?" Will asked. By dipper's face, he could easily tell he ruined the mood. "They accept me and all but I guess not you" He muttered. Then he stared at Will's face, making the boy flinch. "Why do you wear those glasses" He asked. Will shrugged, forgetting the reason for this act. Maybe cause it was fun? Dipper glared at him before taking off his glasses. Will began to whine but Dipper ignored him, placing the glasses in his pockets.

"No more glasses, you can't see in them" Dipper said, putting his hands on his waist. Will gasped "how did you know" "Glasses are used to see, you only wear them so you can see better". Dipper chuckled at Will's pouting face, his cheeks puffed and red. Will crossed his arms and tried to give Dipper the silent treatment, which failed miserably. "You know you will eventually break, and then talk to me again" Dipper truthfully said, smirking. Even though Will knew he was right, his pride refused to let him give in.

They walked down the hall together despite all the strange looks they were given. From the cold, Will made sure to stay near Dipper for body heat. "Will are you okay?" The brunette asked confused, running his hand through the smaller boys blue locks. This made the older one shiver a bit at the warmth "Dipper you are so warm..." He mumbled out. A red blush marked onto Dippers cheeks.

"Are they fags?" A anonymous voice said with disgust. Snapping his eyes open, Will turned his head to see who was talking about him. No one confronted him so he assumed they cowered away, thankfully.

"But that boys kinda cute, despite being a geek show" Another anonymous voice said, which Dipper would have back handed them if he ever found them.

" 'choo" Will sneezed, making a few people giggle or laugh. Even Dipper was surprised. "You sneeze like a kitten" He laughed making Will blush madly. "S-so what?" "Its cute" "Im not cute! Im mean- evil- fear me!". Dipper knew by heart that Will is scared of almost everything, not even his shadow feared him.

"W-whatever, I just wanna go home already. I might actually have to miss some work" Will sniffed a bit, trying to warm his gloved hands. Dipper took off his current jacket and gave it to Will. He knew that the blue haired boy must be struggling and as much as it was cute to see him tremble, it was also just as bad to see him suffer.

"Uhm Dipper?" Will asked, looking up at the boy. His face was still pale from the cold but a blush soon raised on his face. "What is it Will?" Dipper asked, a beautiful smile on his face. This was the first time Will saw him smile like that.

"N-Nothing, never mind" The blue haired boy whispered. A frown soon was placed onto his lips, making Will panic a bit. "I-I love your smile" He blurted out.

Dippers face turned red and he panicked himself. Soon after though he regained his composure and smiled again at Will. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as they both walked to their class.

Later on Will was at Dippers house. They we're gonna be going out to eat after but at the moment they were relaxing on the couch watching 'Keep up with the Kardashians'.

Apparently Will had a deep loving for drama. That also explains why he loved mean girls...

"Reservations are at 6 you know" Dipper said, trying to get the blue haired boy's eyes off the television. Sadly, It did not work. So He decided to get his attention a different way.

Soft lips met even softer lips, as Dipper kissed Will. Being kissed made all his attention go on the brown haired boy.

Dipper's hand was now tangled in the blue locks and Will's hand was wrapped strongly around dipper's neck. 

Will was about to pull away but he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist, pulling him closer. A gasp escaped him and Dipper took this chance to put his tongue in the others mouth.

Soon Will melted into the kiss, his breath quickened. Dipper took in it all as Will was pressed against him. They would have kept making out but Dipper pulled away with a groan.

"Mabel what the fuck?" Dipper growled. The brunette chuckled a bit "Get going, you'll miss your reservation. I ain't having my money wasted". Dipper rolled his eyes and Will got off him.

"You are a very cruel girl, sister" The brown haired boy said bored, rubbing his head. Mabel smirked "I get it from the best, now get out of the house. I plan to have sex with my boyfriend soon".

Wills face heated up and he took this chance to bolt out of the house. Dipper chuckled a bit before following after the blue boy. Although before he left..

"Mabel, I don't want you to ever think about messing with Will. I'm serious about him" Dipper said seriously, a glare on his face. Mabel smiled sweetly "Of course. But if you need any help with getting him in bed, I can give you some books". Dipper shivered a bit before walking out, not even bothering to give his sister a reply.

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