Chapter Twenty: Nor Friend or Foe

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Owen gathered the horses along their path while Eri kept a watchful eye on the elf. When Owen selected their campsite Eri decided she had held off her anger long enough and sheathed her blade before she tightened her fist and aimed at the elf's jaw. Hard.

The loud snap that followed alerted Owen to his sister's mischief. Ever the delicate flower, his sister never restrained herself from showing her true emotions. Unfortunately for Lucas, Eri's rapid punch caught him completely unaware. His head reeled back with the force behind the hit.

"Oww! Whadda you do dad for?" Lucas cried out while he tasted blood and rubbed his face against his shoulder.

"You shot my brother! That's why!" Her eyes narrowed, her breaths came in gasps while her stance reminded Lucas of an angry child in the midst of a tantrum.

Lucas spit out the blood before answering, "But I did not kill him." Lucas protested his innocence with indignation. Eri pulled her arm back for another hit. Only Owen's hand prevented the punch from landing.

"What?" She screeched in frustration at Owen, nostrils flaring, body shaking.

"I'm fine." His voice was soothing, calm.

Lucas butted in, "You see. He's fine."

"Argh!" Her exclamation pleaded with her brother for just one more hit, but his will won out. Eri marched the short distance to her horse and fumbled through her pack, fuming.

Clearly, Owen had to intervene. "You. Shut up. Sit down. Before you get yourself killed. Again." Lucas landed with a thump none too gently after Owen's nudge. Ignoring the elf, Owen puttered around his bags and pouches, while Eri tended to the horses. A few moments later, Owen sat across Lucas intend on asking him a few questions. With magical persuasion if needed.

Lucas waited patiently. Noting exactly where Eri left his bow, "Do be careful with it. It holds many fond memories for me." He gave her his best smile. Eri stopped; tempted to inflict some damage to it. Then she felt her brother's gaze and sighed in resignation.

She left the bow untouched resting on a tree. Lucas leaned into Owen and whispered confidently, "I think she likes me."

Owen did a double take then refocused and cleared his throat, "Now, you and I will talk a while." His demeanor was unthreatening, but then there were many ways a mage could get his questions answered. "First who are you and why are you with the girl? What do you want with her?"

Lucas exhaled noisily. "I supposed there is no reason to deny you, so," settling himself comfortably on the grass he continued with legs crossed comfortably. "I am Lucas of House of Verakis. Aurora asked for my help and here I am." He shrugged as if that explained it all.

"As to what I want with her, nothing sinister I can assure you, but she is a puzzle. Is she not?"

Owen picked up on his subtlety, but chose to ignore the elf's probing curiosity. "House of Verakis, you say?" Eri interrupted. She knew that name. Among elves, after the fall of Ilsurni Castle nearly a century ago, and the ruling family, House Verakis, were displaced. Now there were many that claimed the name.

"That's a fairly common house. You're from the Eastern Elvin Lands? From which of the kingdoms?" Eri paused in her actions, a hand resting on her hip.

"First, let me say, nothing about me is common. How insulting! We just met. Have I ever insulted you?" His voice carried the weight of a grievously offended soul.

"You shot my brother!" She dropped the satchel she held and stalked toward him, out for blood, however Owen prevented her from reaching him.

"Are you ever going to let that go?" His face revealed how vexed he was with her response.

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