Chapter Thirty: Sight

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She could see.

If she focused on a particular area she could see. Lily had no explanation for what had happened to her. The Crossing had taken her sight but some of it was restored by Mimika's greed. Magic, she never suspected she had, was wrenched from her, and because of that violent action she had seen.

She had lost consciousness after that, but when she awoke Nim had fed her and listened to her. He told her that her eyes remained veiled, but she insisted that she had seen Mimika. Nim continued to doubt her until she began describing Mimika's appearance.

Without taking the potion offered by Fennaris, she could already feel her strength rapidly returning. "Nim, I'm going to try again." Lily's voice sounded stronger without the cracking of thirst in her speech.

"You're going to tire yourself." He protested. Nim was familiar with magic, among other things, and knew the physical drain the use of it would cost.

Lily shook her head. "I have to do it. If I can see, then maybe I can find a way out for us." Hope had sprung into her after her first Sighting, as she called it.

She reached her hand out through the bars, kneeling all the while as she cupped Nim's face. There was no need to close her eyes as she focused on what she wanted to see. "Say something."

"Would arguing do any good?" She shook her head and offered him a smile. "Stubborn child. You remind me of someone else I know. He's older than you..."

Lily allowed him to rail on, not really focusing on his words as much as his voice. Slowly she began to see through the nothing, colors and forms began to appear.

Soon they meshed into shape, into a mouth, nose, and eyes, almond eyes. His face was narrow, as she knew it would be from the previous times. She saw his mouth forming the words, and tilted her head, studying it.

Her hands moved and for the first time felt the pointed edges of his ears. His tan face wrinkled with a smile and she returned it.

But she was not satisfied, and a crease formed across her forehead. There was still a haze, one final sheet of mist that she could not penetrate through. The edges of her Sight remained dark and murky, limiting her vision.

She focused harder on Nim's mouth studying his words as he formed them. And like a flame burning through parchment, the image changed, revealing an astonishing sight. Her!

The image was so startling that she lost all focus and released Nim's face, breaking all contact and thus plunging her back to darkness. She clasped her hands to her chest trying to make sense of what she had seen.

Nim reached out to take Lily's shoulder, frowning his disapproval of her over exerting her strength. "What happened? Do you feel weak?"

Lily took several deep breaths before she was capable of sorting out her thoughts verbally. "What were you saying? Tell me again."

He looked at her closely, trying to come to a conclusion as to what had happened. "I was saying how I would have to keep him away from you. With your slender face in the right attire you might even pass as elvin."

"What exactly were you focusing on about me?"

Following her train of thought easily enough, he began. "I was wondering what color your eyes were beneath the veil. I was thinking that they should be brown, as light as your hair."

She moved her hand to cover his at her shoulder. "They're green. Light green, like my father's."

Though she held his hand as they spoke, he knew she was not using magic to see. Her breathing was steady and even. She seemed pensive and preoccupied. "Tell me what you saw."

The crease deepened on her forehead. "It's not so much what I saw that startled me, but the fact that I saw it." Nim remained silent, giving her time to collect her thoughts and explain further.

"I saw...myself. And I think I was seeing through your eyes, or point of view. I'm not sure." It was difficult to make sense of the situation.

"How is that possible?" Nim stared at her, wondering just how much magic was in her.

Lily shrugged and let out her breath. "I was hoping you'd explain it to me. Everything changed when you began focusing on me. We've figured out that touching is a better conductor for my Sight, as well as your voice."

"Yes. Your magic allows you to 'borrow' my ability to see on your own. Yet somehow you've stumbled onto a way where you can actually see what I see when I see it. Although I've never heard of anything like it." He looked at her again with wonder.

"Perhaps we should try again later after you have rested. When we leave this place you should come with me to see the elvin healers. I do not know if they'll be able to restore your true sight, but with the healers or mages you might learn how to see on your own again."

Lily patted his hand and smiled. "You're starting to believe we will escape." There was a lift to her voice. "That's good."

Nim looked at her baffled. "Your hope is contagious. But what a strange child you are to find a smile in a place so dismal. There's only one other that I know could do that." He shook his head, taking in their surroundings.

"I'm not a child." She informed him playfully. "I'm well into my twenties."

Nim continued to scoff. "The young always think they're old and the old always wish to be young. But I'll leave it be."

"Good, and as to my optimism, well, I've always taken after my father." She didn't remember how old she was when she'd lost her father, but she knew it was before her sixth birthday. Though her memories with her father might be few, they were pleasant and vivid and cherished above all else.

However, if she had any hope to escape and find Aurora it was time she began making plans and stop daydreaming. "Tell me more about the elves, your people. Who is this man, er, elf you were talking about?"

Nim sighed like a tired grandfather that enjoyed his grandchildren visiting but was nonetheless happy to see them leave. "Oh, that one. He has given me more headaches than my own children combined." He leaned against the wall. "But he has also made me very proud."

Lily braced her shoulder and head against the bars between them, "Tell me more. What is his name?"


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