Thirty-Two: Dad Is Back From England

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The next evening Michal came over after work and greeted me with a kiss, and I with a question.

"What is it you had to tell your mom? Was it something about me" I asked. Holding him by his necktie.

"You wouldn't believe. I never told my mom about our wedding or you being pregnant, until yesterday."

"Really?" I asked doubtfully, but understandingly.

— Remember how long it took before I told mom I was pregnant? I was about three month pregnant and my belly was showing. In fact it was my mother who asked.

"Yah. I... I didn't know how to put it to her." Replied Michal.

"That's okay. I know what's it like. I was about three months pregnant when I told mom I was pregnant" I replied.

After what I said Michal seemed a bit more relaxed as we walked into the house and closed the door.

Later that evening I phoned my dad in England and told him of my intentions to get married in the next few weeks.

"Dad, I want you to be there. You've got to be there."

"Dad I want you to fly home on the next flight."

"Okay darling. I'll be home tomorrow. Even if I have to turn down the Queen's call." Replied dad jokingly.

"Okay honey. Enough of your sweet talks. Just get home safe." Added mom who was standing next to me.

"Yah. Get home safe dad and don't forget to bring me a present. You know how much I love gifts."

"Don't worry I won't forget. And my to be son-in- law, what's he like?"

"Dad you've asked this question on like all my calls. Please dad, you'll come to know him when you get home."

"Okay. Sorry if I plagued you, just curious. I'll be home tomorrow.

"Okay dad." I finished handing the phone to mom.

The other portions of the day. Or preferably what was left of it, passed like a flood, and before long we were yearning to a new day.

"Get up Michal, your gonna be late for work."

"Oh gosh. What's wrong with the alarm" Asked Michal, getting up. The sleep still very much in his eyes.

"Must be the batteries" I replied, taking up the clock and replacing the batteries with a few new ones from the drawer.

"I'm gonna go hit the show, wanna come?" Asked Michal.

"Nah. If I come, you're not gonna get to go to work. As it is, your already late."

"Yah. Your right." Replied Michal, heading into the shower.

After the shower Michal hurriedly got dressed and left for work. He wasn't too hurried however that he forgot my goodbye kiss.

With Michal gone it was mom and I who were alone at home. Until about midday when the door bell rang.

I quickly got up from the couch where I was reading a book and walked to the door.

At the door was my greatest present.

"Dad...!" I shouted surprised.

"Why didn't you call us when you got to the airport?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yah. Why didn't you call" Ask mom, emerging from the house with the very same surprised expression on her face.

"I wanted, to surprise you. Like I did now" Smiled dad.

"Its not funny" Scolded mom, with a pissed off look on her face.

"Darling don't tell me your mad at me. Aren't you gonna give me a hug."

With that mom went back inside the house.

"Dad you sure got mom pissed" I replied heading into the house behind her.

Shortly after, dad came in with his suitcase and started handing out gifts.

As a female I can say females are very weird. They'll tell you to go, but they don't want you to move. Very complicated, very weird, yet very excited.

Like now. Mom's not pissed. She's just. I don't know. She's just being veery complicated?

The first thing dad took out of the suitcase was a golden necklace with perl pendant, which he handed to mom. You should've seen her face, the smile. The way she kissed dad and started going through his suitcase.

In his suitcase were lots more present. Both for mom and for me, even Michal and his parents.

"Dad, that's a lot of gifts." I commented.

"Yah. I spent your wedding funds." Replied dad jokingly.

I gave him a look which meant, you better be kidding and he smiled even harder.

"Where's Michal?" Asked dad.

"You said he was staying over? Am I right?"

" Yah. He's at work. He'll be back later in the evening " I replied.

"Ambitious. Okay, when he gets home. I'll have a talk with him. Then we'll invite the parents over for the wedding planning, the following day ."

"I've heard his dad's name before. Think I did some paper works for him a few years back"

"Okay dad. I guess we may very well then be having more than just a wedding planning, but a reunion too" I replied, excitedly.

I was very excited. And so was mom, but for a different reason. From the way she was looking at dad I could tell she was saying 'get your ass in the bedroom and let's make love.'

To move things along I took up my gifts and headed to my room. The gifts for Michal and his parents would be given directly by dad.

When I got to my room I stretched out on my bed and waited for Michal to get home.

Unfortunately I drifted off.
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