Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Quick Note: The winner for the dedication of this chapter for getting my little scavenger hunt correct first last night is @Addicakez! By the way the answer to the numbers '1081' is the year my son was born '2010' and the year I was born '1981'. Thank you darling and I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it. Enjoy the song I feel fit for the chapter =D *winks*

FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! I am nervous about this kind of writing in one of my books. Probably because it has been so highly anticipated by you the readers. I hope you enjoy the photo to the right of Evan and Sonja. Remember this is halfway through the book at least and a major turning point in the story. I got lots more where this came from...if you love it as I do! =D


My stomach fluttered all day. I found myself distracted and making small dumb mistakes on my work that I kept having to correct and making my work day feel even longer.

I expected these kinds of nerves. My last day of therapy and the anxiety I felt was for a completely different reason than I thought it would be for.

What happens now between Evan and me? There would be some paperwork I knew that much. Being that it was court ordered he would have to sign off on it as I would and send it back to my lawyer.

Excitement also fogged my brain for what it could mean for us on the romantic level we have been on. I tried not to think about it which made the subject stay fresh in my head even more. After all, this would still be a therapy appointment.

Stacy could tell I was nervous so she kept the talk about our current plot to bring Suzanne down to a minimum. I wasn’t really concerned with it at the moment. When I got nervous, I got snippy. For once she wasn’t instigating with me about my affair with Evan either. Affair – that sounded like such a dirty word, but maybe it is appropriate since our relationship was not really supposed to have come into existence in the first place.

But it did and I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to explore him and us even more on every level.

Besides everything going on at work, with Evan, the fact Jerry would be released in two weeks as well poked at me in the back of my mind. Would he try to contact me? He had to stay at least ten miles away, but could he find my number and try to call?

I needed to look over the papers my lawyer sent me again, I couldn’t recall. When I received them all I did was skim over the details and hid them away in my desk. They would stay hidden away for now.

My mind is so scattered today.

So much is going on. I hoped I would get my work done in time. Since the websites were completed, I didn’t need the volunteers as much anymore, but we were doing some basic trouble shooting with a testing account on the live version to work out any other small kinks in the system.

We provided tech support for a while after a site goes live until all the bugs get worked out and the companies own tech guys learn the website and take over for us. My meeting with Terry is tomorrow and Cooper on Thursday so it has been hectic. Unfortunately I had to spend more time working with Eddie right now which is the norm when an account is this close to being finished.

“Sonja looks like there is a small glitch with the submit button on the application page,” Eddie said from the front desk in the volunteer room.

I was hovered over another computer with a volunteer working on making the site compatible with browsers that are not widely known. Terry’s account had a few off the wall requests being a charity program and going international, so making it work in other world areas has been one of the biggest challenges.

On The Couch [Editing]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin