Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Quick Note: The picture on the right is of Sonja's dress, Evan's suit (though not with the shiny feature), and the closest I could find to what I pictured for their room on the cruise ship. I had a hard time writing this chapter with my stress and feeling sick the last three days so I hope you all enjoy it. It is not edited completely either so excuse any minor errors. Thanks guys!



“When do you leave?” Stacy asked tossing a lacy pajama top into my suitcase that I pulled out when she wasn’t looking.

“Eight in the morning we have to be at the dock for boarding by nine,” I folded some sensible pajamas. I figured being out on the water on a cruise ship in December would be cold.

Stacy continued to rummage through my drawers picking sets of lacy bras and panties I hadn’t realized I had and tossing them into my suitcase. I only kept one set. We would only be gone for three nights and back in the afternoon on Christmas Eve.

“Is he staying here tonight?” She asked frowning at me when I tossed back a negligee she found.

“It’s going to be cold so I don’t want minimal…yes he is,” I answered.

“Is Boxer all packed and ready?”

“Mm-hmm,” I murmured as we packed and fought over what kind of sexy nighties she wanted me to take.

“Will you stop?” I giggled when she threw everything back in my suitcase that I had taken out.

“Well it’s quite a romantic getaway you probably won’t leave your cabin much,” she justified.

I just shook my head as I packed a thick coat. Stacy sat down on the edge of my bed and watched with a disapproving look on her face as I only kept a few of her suggestions.

I have never been on a cruise before so wasn’t sure what to take. I packed a specific evening dress and some casual day wear and night clothing plus all the other essentials. I had two suitcases full by the time I finished. I took a little bit of everything for three days that I could think of.

“You’re sure you and Kenneth will be fine with Boxer since I can’t get home easily if something happens?”

“Yes nothing is going to happen to him, we have his vet’s number in case of anything.”

I still worried a little more than usual after he had gotten sick a few weeks ago…well maybe months now. Evan would be here soon with his bags for our little trip and staying the night.

We had to be up at six am and leave by seven thirty or eight for San Francisco to board the cruise ship. We would be travelling straight down the coast and make stops on the way back up. The first stop would be in the Channel Islands off the coast of Los Angeles and then back up north to Morrow Bay. The final stop would be in Monterey before docking again back in San Francisco.

I am very excited and feel like this will be a lot of fun since I haven’t been to any of these places. The itinerary is jam packed. I believe we would make it to the Islands by Sunday morning. Early on Monday morning we would be in Monterey and by Tuesday afternoon back in San Francisco.

“You’re going to get me a souvenir right?” Stacy asked when I finished finally and we were back in my kitchen as I made chicken stir fir for dinner.

“Of course,” I smiled.

Steam billowed and hisses from the stir fry sounded around us as I cooked. Stacy began to set up my bar area for three. Evan would be here any moment. Stacy and I are having our dinner tonight on Friday instead of Sunday since I will be gone until after Christmas. Evan invited me to his families Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve right after we get back so our schedule is quite full.

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