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"What are you doing", Mackenzie asks sharply. She's trying to sound superior, but the sniffles don't help her in that department.

"Drop the act Mackenzie. And it's nice to see you too.", I say, resting my chin in my hands.

She sighs,"sorry." DID MACKENZIE JUST APOLOGIZE?!?!!? I've been at camp for only a few hours and so many things have already happened.

"Why are you sorry", I ask her.

She hesitates before speaking,"just for everything. Im a bitch and I was extremely mean to you and your friends. I was jealous and horrible. And I'm sorry for that night a few summers ago. I'm so, so sorry about that night."

I am so shocked that she's apologizing for everything, that I almost miss her last two sentences,almost."what night?"

She looks at me,"You don't remember?"

I think about it for a moment,"was it when I was 15?"

Mackenzie nods"yeah."

"Mackenzie that night I got a concussion. I don't remember anything from that night."

Her eyes widen,"oh I'm sorry. D-do you want me to tell you what happened?" Her voice is quiet and embarrassed.

I nod,"please do."

Mackenzie takes a deep breath before telling me the story,"it all started when Molly and I were 12. We were good friends then. One day I went over to Molly's house after school and found her crying in her room. She was sobbing into a blue pillow I had gotten her for her birthday. I asked her what was wrong and she had told me that her sister had gotten into a car accident. She said her sister Clarissa had broken her wrist and had earned a few bruises, but other than that she was fine."

I take in all this information and am about to ask a question, when Mackenzie continues to tell the story,"I was happy to hear that her sister wasn't hurt too badly, I mean it could of been a lot worse. But my mood changed when she told me that Clarissa had hit Jacob's brother, Alex's car. While Clarissa left the accident with only a broken wrist, the impact had killed Alex."

My eyes widen at this new information. I had now idea, I wonder if Jacob knew?

Mackenzie takes a deep breath before continuing,"Molly trusted me with this information, telling me not to tell anyone. She didn't want Jacob to ever know because she felt like he would be mad at her. Anyways, over the next year I becam extremely insecure, and began my whole 'brat' reputation." My stomach drops. Why is she admitting all of this to me?!

"I used Molly's secret against her. I black mailed her into giving me the boy she liked, the answers to like every homework assignment, all of her notes for tests, I still didn't pass the tests, but oh well. I used her to go get me things. It started off small, but escalated quickly."

"Fast forward to that night, we were 15 and Molly had started standing up for herself, not doing what I asked her to. So one night I had just had enough and I made an announcement to the whole dinning hall, telling them about Molly's sister and Alex. Molly ran out of the room and Jacob left too. You ran after Jacob and every one looked at me with wide eyes, I sat back in my chair and the guilt began to wash over me"

"And after you left that night, you really hurt Jacob. He was scared and confused, even I noticed that. He sat around every day,waiting for a phone call to tell him that you were okay. He never fixed his friendship with Molly."

"Wow", I say.  I didn't even think about me hurting him. I thought it was just the other way around.

"I bet you hate me even more now", she says.

"Well Mackenzie that wasn't the right thing to do. At all. I am a bit mad at you, but I think I can forgive you."

She nods,"no wonder Jacob loves you."

I doubt that, but I decide to ignore her comment."so what happened tonight" I ask her.

She shakes her head,"you go first. What happened to you tonight?"

I sigh,"well, let's just say it's not the happiest sight when you see your ex kissing your old best friend."

Her eyes widen a bit"who was Jacob kissing?"

I sigh and run a hand through me hair,"Lexi."

"Did Jacob say anything to you after?"

I shake my head,"he tried to apologize, but I didn't let him. I kind of blew up at him."

Mackenzie nods, looking down at the ground."I saw my boyfriend cheating on me with some other chick, who was like twenty."

I nod,"I guess we're in a similar situation."

She's quiet, so I start talking again,"Mackenzie you're a pretty girl."

She raises her eyebrows,"you think I'm pretty?"

I nod,"of course, but only when you're not wearing tons of make up on. You're naturally a pretty girl. But that's not your only quality. I know that deep down there is an extremely nice girl in you. You've been keeping that girl locked up and it's making you sad, let her out Kenz, let her out."

She nods, tears forming in her eyes again."and you know you don't need a boy to make you happy right?"

"What do you mean", she asks me.

"I think that you think you'll only be happy if you have a boyfriend. That's not true though. You are strong and beautiful. You need to realize that Mackenzie. Figure out what you like to do, and make that your top priority. And be kind. That's the only way you can be happy. Just love yourself."

She nods and we stand up,"thanks Rowan. That really means a lot." She gives me a tight hug and I hug her back.

"It's my pleasure." I smile and she smiles back. I've made someone happy today, I've helped someone grow as a person and that makes me happy.

She turns to walk away,"oh, and Rowan?"


"Don't you have a boyfriend", she asks me.

Man word gets around fast,"yeah, why?"

"Then why are you hurt by what Jacob did? You still care about him Rowan. Next time Jacob tries to apologize, let him. He's a lot more innocent than you think." She gives me a warm smile and walks off into the chilly night.

One down, four to go.

Yay, early update ;)
I'm sorry for the short chapter, next one will be longer.
Nothing else to say besides thank you and please vote, comment,read,ect.

Okay, I'll see y'all later.


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