27. That silly pig

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Jacob POV

I'd be lying if I said I don't miss her, because I miss her like crazy.

The weekly calls and face times aren't enough, for either of us.

I stare out the window, watching the rain fall down the window pane. My sister is baking Valentine's Day cookies in the kitchen and I can smell them from in my room.

Only a few more months, Jacob.

I miss her laugh.
I miss her smile.
I miss her humor.
I miss her.

All of a sudden my phone rings. Considering it's Sunday I don't expect Rowan to be calling me but when I see her name flash across my screen, I'm not totally surprised. (Well it's not her name that flashed across the screen, just three red hearts. Don't tell her that.)

"Hey Ro."

"Hola", she replies.

I chuckle,"what are you doing."

She sighs,"thinking."

I wait a minute for her to say something else, but she doesn't. I smile,"fine, I'll ask, what are you thinking about Ro?"

She claps her hands,"I'm so glad you asked. I'm thinking about you."

Gosh, she's adorable. I chuckle nervously, "what about me?"

She takes a deep breath and releases it slowly,"how much longer until camp Jacob?"

I'm pretty sure she had just changed the topic but oh well, "112 days..."I start, and she cuts me off...

"14 hours..." she trails off

"24 minutes", I add.

"And 33 seconds", she finishes.

She knows too? "Wow."

"What", she asks.

"We're lame", I say.

She laughs,"yeah but we're are also in love."

I chuckle. Wait, hold on..."Ro what did you just say?"

"Jacob, do you still love me?"

"Of course I do. Do you still love me?"

"Yes, I do. With every piece of my sad little heart. Jacob, right now I know it's hard because of distance, but I want to be with you. I miss you so much."

"I know Ro, I miss you just as much and I want to be with you too. You know what, face time me", I tell her.

She does as I ask, and her face pops up on my screen, her eyes full of tears and hope."that's better", I say, smirking. She rolls her eyes and smiles at my smirk. Haha, she's so cute.

"Rowan, you have great timing."

"And why is that", she asks me.

"Well because today is Valentine's Day. So Rowan Marshall, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

She smiles,"yes! But now there is one problem."

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