Chapter 31//"Don't cry Cress, please Dawson don't cry"

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Chapter 31//"Don't cry Cress, please Dawson don't cry"

Today is our last summer dance of high school, next year it will be prom, so Emily and I have decided to go all out, dress, nails, make-up, everything.

I spin around in the seat as Emily describes what looks she's going for, to the make up artist.

I ask for a simple look but instead, the women has gone for a smokey cat-eye look.

My skin looks flawless with the addition of a blinding highlighter defining my cheekbone and the contour outlining my face.

My dress is a shade of midnight grey, it's a simple piece that is strapless and hangs on my breasts. The bottom trials on forever as well as a slit to my left.

"Fuck Elliott is going to drop dead when he sees you" Emily gasps.

"My eye keeps twitching," I tell Emily once we have left the makeup counter.

"It's probably because you've never used fake lashes before"

Outside Daniel's car is parked up front, he's wearing a suit for the occasion and he looks ridiculous in it.

"Daniel can you look inside my eye and tell me if there's any glitter. Every time I blink it's like the world is covered in a sparkly waterfall"

"I'm not surprised," He mutters getting in the car, Emily is trying to tug her big blue dress into the car, Daniel rolls his eyes but nonetheless he helps tuck her dress in.

"Crescent" Daniel speaks up turning the music down and glancing at me then back to the road again.

"You know I'm okay with you and Elliott. I just don't want the only family I have to get hurt, because if he ever hurts you, it will kill me to have to be the one to beat him up"

"I'm sorry for being so difficult at the start, I'm a shit brother, I know. I'm fucked up too, with mom dying and dad leaving. You know Cress you're lucky, you don't have the weight of dad's company on your shoulders"

I smile happy with the fact that Daniel accepts us, but on the inside I'm sad. I know it's hard for him being torn between dad and me. If it was up to dad, Dan would have moved to New York years ago leaving me behind.

"You know that means so much to me," I tell him.

"Anything for you little sister"

"I'm only little by 1.34 minutes" I shoot back.

"I would totally kiss your forehead right now to act like a supportive big brother, but your face is so caked up with makeup I think I'll choke"

Daniel swerves the car slightly finally parking it, and my face touches the window, I look at the huge highlighter and foundation mark I have left. Oh god if Daniel sees this I am dead.

"Cress what are you doing?" He sighs.

"Oh nothing," I hum, leaning against the side, I know how precious his car is to him, he will go ballistic if he sees glitter on it.

As soon as the car stops I'm trying to get out of it before Daniel can murder me.

In front of me, I see Elliott standing there, his face completely cleared of emotion, he looks completely unamused almost bored.

He turns his head slightly and catches a glimpse of me, his solemn face breaks out into a smile.

His blue eyes glowing.

"Fuck Dawson you look..."

He stops when I dash forward, plummeting into him and holding onto his arm for support.

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