Chapter 17: Fraud

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"I don't see a problem here," the doctor said, swinging his small torch light over her eyes. He adjusts the chair for Vermon to sit up. "It is normal for the eye to change color."

"It's almost black," Vermon said.

The doctor smiled. "But it's not completely black."


Jacqueline took Vermon's hand as they drew closer to the church. Vermon thought they were heading home. There were over fifty people hanging outside of the church. When they saw her, they cheered and waved their hands in the ear.

"Here she comes!"

"The graveyard girl!"

"Praise the All-Mighty!"

The people got louder and louder as they approached Vermon. She backed away, shaking her head wanting to refuse everyone.

"Fake!" someone yelled out.


Vermon was completely surrounded by the crowd. A few people argued back and forth about rather she was a fraud or not. Someone even mentioned her mother was in it to make money. Behind the crowd were a few TV anchors, recording the crowd. Vermon did her best to push through the crowd. Her mother told everyone to act like civilized adults or no one gets to talk to their loved ones today.

The people began to back away. "One at a time, ladies and gentlemen," Jacqueline shouted.

Vermon tugged her mother's shirt. "Mom, I can't talk to the dead anymore. Something's trying to get me."

Her mother shook her head. "Nonsense. Pick someone and let's go to the graveyard."

The crowd began to raise their hand and shout Vermon's name. Vermon faced them. "I can't do this anymore," she called out to the crowd.

"Why not!" the crowd began to lower their voices. "We didn't come this far for a no."


Jacqueline looked at Vermon. "What are you doing? Are you trying to make us look bad?"

"Mom, I can't do it!" she shouted. "I've awakened something! Something with the body of a human and the head of an owl."

Some people in the crowd began laughing. "I'm serious!" Vermon shouted. She then broke through the crowd and ran off the Church's property. The crowd booed at her and her mother. Jacqueline called after her but Vermon ignored her and ran home.

The front door was open. She locked it then went out the back door and into the backyard where her grandmother was buried. She placed her hand over the dirt. "Nana, I'm so scared," Vermon said.

There was no wind this time. Just a grim voice that floated through the air. "Vermon, I'm outside your house."

Her hair then fluttered. "Vermon, listen to our warnings. Run." her grandmother said. Her voice sounded different. Almost like a toy losing its battery, drooping and slow.

Run where? Vermon wondered. Where could she go?

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