❝who am i?❞

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"So, why don't you talk to me at school?"

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"So, why don't you talk to me at school?"

Abi doesn't sound happy. She sounds sad, and hurt.

"You wouldn't want to talk to me," I mumble.

"What do you mean by 'I wouldn't want to talk to you?'"

"I'm not the Danny you see everyday at school. I'm a joke. A-and I think you'll start realizing it. The more we talk. Perhaps we should stop this."

"But I don't want to."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to bring you down, it's just that life's been sucking. I just wish that my life was different somehow. Abi, tell me this. What if I was this entirely different person? What if I wasn't as cool as you think I am?"

"But you are cool."

"No I'm not."

"We don't have to talk at school. I-I'm sorry for bitching about it. It's just that this one dude made me feel like shit today, just because I wasn't understanding Chemistry. Even though I was trying. He made me feel like there was something wrong with me..."

"There isn't. There's something wrong with him."

"Yeah, maybe."

"Maybe he was having a bad day."

"Yeah, he was such an ass hole though."

"Abi, what if I had a mental illness? Would you still want to talk to me, or be my friend?"

"Yeah...I mean, I have an aunt who suffers from mental illness. And my mother is actually going through depression. I haven't been feeling so hot lately either."

"Join the club..."

"Danny, can I tell you something? This may sound a bit stupid...I don't know..."

"What is it?"

"Um, I just want to say, I feel like myself when I talk to you."

"It feels like a big breath of fresh air when I talk to you."

He Could Have Been (What He Thought He Wanted) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now