Part 10: Doc.

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"Emma wake up." Mason shakes me awake

"Why?" I ask rubbing my eyes

"You're talking to the doctor." He said

"I'm not crazy Mason." I say "I'm not going."

"Yes you are." He said throwing clothes at me

"I don't want to go." I say

"Well, you're going Emma." He says taking my hands and lifting up my shirt and putting on my other ones, he puts on my jeans since I didn't sleep in pants. "See you're all dressed." He says

"I'm not talking." I say "I'm not going to talk to a shrink." I say, he puts on my low-top white converses

"Come on." He says taking my hand and dragging me "I'm late for a meeting." He said

"You're just going to be more late if you try and make me go." I cross my arms. He sighs and picks me up bridal style. I start to kick to get out of his grip

"Open the door, I'm going to be late." Masons says to the people.


Mason drags me inside a house of someone I don't know. He holds my hand, not intertwined, and barges through the door

"Mason." The guy says

"Al, this is Emma." Mason says setting me on the couch "now, I'm going to be late for a meeting and she'll stay here for a while and Lance will pick her up." He said leaving.

"You know," he starts but I cut him off

"Don't say I look like Grace because I'm tired of that." I say getting up and looking around

"Emma, the reason you are here is because he loves you." Al says and I look out the window

"He doesn't care about me," I say "he just sees Grace." I scoff. I twirl little toys at the window seel

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks

"Why should I?" I ask facing him "I'm not going to open up my feelings to someone who doesn't even care too." I say sitting down again "it doesn't even matter." I put my head on my hand

"Emma, you have to talk." Al said

"How about, we stare at each other in silence and wait till Lance gets here." I smile

"Emma," he starts

"Great Al, great plan." I say shutting up

"I think you have been neglected for a year or two, you gotten kidnapped and he can't stop thinking about another girl, you're sad he only sees Grace in you and not you, you just want him to see you, but at the same time you don't want to have nothing to do with him because he's forced you to do something you don't like. Maybe, kill?" He say

"No." I say "that's all wrong."

"You know it's true, and you're sad that this is your life."

"Okay, we're done Al." I say getting up

"You know I'm right Emma and you know you've wanted someone to see for a long time."

I leave his house and go outside near the garden, I look at the spot I was when Blake kid napped me and I saw him. I look around and see Tim, I run up to him

"Hey Emma." He says as I stare at the same spot

"How are you?" I asked looking at Tim finally

"I'm good. How are you?" He asks

"I'm great." I say looking back to see nothing there

"Daddy!" I hear a little girl scream and hug Tims leg

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