Part 28: Taking Care Of Business

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I turn off my alarm clock quickly at 10:00. I groan and rub my face sitting up to see Nate in Ambers bed, I furrow my eyebrows and see Ash sleeping next to me with his arm lightly on my waist. I move it gently to his side and stretch, I put food in Aniease's bowl.

I go into the bathroom and do my daily routine to freshen up to see Mr. Smirnoff, I quickly grab clothes and put them on putting on the necklace Trish gave me. I slip on these black boots and look at Ash, his eyes closed but calm, I grab a notebook and paper clip the photo to the other side. I grab my sunglasses and put them on, I kiss Ash on his forehead quickly and leave.

I get into my car putting the notebook on the passenger side, I turn up the music and start to drive to the cafe.

"Hello Mr. Smirnoff, Zander." I say and both the men stand up and I shake there hands. We all sit down and I open up my notebook.

"Thank you for doing this for me Miss. Gillian." Mr. Smirnoff says quietly

"Yes, sir. Anything." I say smiling and he smiles faintly back

"This is my wife." Mr. Smirnoff sadly says "she died a month ago, freak accident." He says "that's the last photo I took of her and I want you to draw her."

"Of course, sir." I agreed

"I want it on rough paper, 42" by 21", and I want it by this coming Saturday." He added

"Yes Mr. Smirnoff." I say writing down the info

"You'll drop it off at my house." He hands me a card with his name, address, and number. "Don't disappoint me." He says leaving

"I'm afraid I have to get going." Zander looks at his watch "bye Elena." He says kissing the sides of my cheeks. I start to sketch a little starter of the girl and then leave the cafe.

I had to park a bit far from the dorm because all the spaces were taken. I lock my car, holding my notebook. Someone grabs me and pushes me against a wall covering my mouth, I grab their wrists with both of my hands and punch there face.

"Fuck!" I hear Mason say. I try to run when he grabs my waist pulling me back "you can pull one hell of a fight." He smirks, enjoying what's happening.

"I left a little gift" he drags his hand down to my neck while he talks "it's at your doorstep, I think you'll like it." He smiles looking down and dragging his hand near my chest when he stops.

"I haven't seen you for two months and now you show up! Why can't you leave me alone!?" I yell.

"Because, I love you." He smiles

"This isn't love!" I yell at him "what me and Ash have is love." I state

"I think you'll like the gift." He says and kisses me forcefully and then runs off. I gag almost throwing up, feeling repulsed.

I walk to my door of the dorm to see flowers, hydrangea's, it symbolizes death. I walk into the dorm and throw them away.

"What did you throw away?" Ash asks me

"Nothing." I say turning around and hugging him. "When are we going to meet with your parents?" I ask setting down my journal on the desk. Ash sits on the chair and makes me sit on his lap.

"Around six." He smiles looking into my eyes deeply. I put my hands behind his neck and he kisses me sweetly while gripping my thighs tightly.

"Wait, where's Amber and Nate?" I ask pecking his cheek

"Eating." He quickly kisses me again longingly. He picks me up and puts me on the bed just laying on top of me, staring at me, looking deeply in my eyes. "If I ever asked you to marry me, what would you say?" He asked me and I smiled

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