Part 26: Surprise!

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I woke up in a good mood, now that today is time to show my sketches at a gallery. I look back at my three finished and polished sketches.

"Morning El!" Amber yells walking in our dorm with the guys following behind her. Ash and Nate hold both two bags filled with stuff

"What the hell?" I say

"Well, it's Saturday and today is your big day!" She said grabbing a bag from Ash and handing it to me. "Ash picked it out for you and we guessed your dress size was a zero." She said

"That's right. Thank you!" I say taking a dress out of the bag "oh my, this is beautiful!" I say, I touch the soft silk and laces through my fingers "thanks guys." I say smiling and giving them all a hug.

"Let's all go out to eat! I'm starving." Amber says grabbing all the bags from Ash and Nate

"Let me get dressed." I said grabbing clothes. I get changed in plain black jeans and a black spaghetti strap with a dark sapphire blue cardigan that's see through. I do my make-up and put on high-heeled black boots. Walking out I see Ash, Amber and Nate laughing

"You ready?" Amber asked and I nodded.

We went to a cafe and sat outside to enjoy the weather. I ordered salad and a strawberry smoothie and the rest ordered a burger and soda.

"So, when us the party tonight?" Ash asked sitting next to me

"Around six and should end at ten." I take a sip of my drink

"Really? That long?" Nate says and Amber hits him playfully

"Nate, it's not only my art it's other people's. Photography, paintings, and sketches." I say taking a bite of salad.

"Right." Nate said chuckling like an idiot.


We get back into me and Ambers room and I see a box on my bed.

"What is it?" Ash asks putting his hand on my back.

"I don't know." I say touching the ribbon wrapped around it with a card under it. I grab the card and look at the red paper that says congrats in cursive.

'Dear Emma or should I say Elena,
I heard you got into that art gallery and I wanted you to have a nice present that I thought would look lovely on you!
                           ~Your Love, Mason'

I hesitantly open the box to see expensive heels.

"Who's it from?" Ash asks sitting down

"Him." I say taking out the heels that where my size.

"Oh my gosh, El, those are beautiful!" Amber said grabbing on of the heels

"Yeah." I say

"Try them on." She says handing me them again. I take off my shoe and put on the heels that fit perfectly.

"They fit." I say quietly. I put my other shoe on and grabbed Ash "me and Ash will be right back." I say and we walk outside of the campus

"How does he have a key!?" Ash asked quickly

"I don't know." I cross my arms on my chest.

"Come here." Ash says uncrossing my arms and hugs me "I'll protect you." He whispered "When we get to that party I want you to stay with me." He says strictly

"Okay." I say holding him. We walked back in and lay down on my bed. I put my leg on his waist and my arm around his torso

"Damn, you guys look like you're about to jump each other right now." Amber laughs "me and Nate are going to his dorm for about two hours and then it'll be time to go to the party." Amber says grabbing Nates hand and leaving. I get on to of Ash, fully, I take off my shirt and his. He obeys but then flips us over and pin my hands above my head.

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