1 -Video Games

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"Kill all human scum," said the alien in a deep rumbling voice as he swung his massive gun in their direction

Josh gasped as another human was shot down .The reptilian alien stood above the body and a long proboscis came out of its head .It stabbed the back of the soldier's skull. Josh heard bones cracked and squelching sounds as the brain matter was liquefied. Within a matter of seconds the alien slowly morphed into a human. Josh knew during that time they were really vulnerable. Repulsion and a sick stomach moved Josh to avenge his comrade.

Josh propelled himself forward and lunged at the alien. He drove is his knife into the back of the scale reptilian skull. He heard the cheers around him and he saw his points go up by 10,000.

What happened next took Josh by surprise. The remaining alien commanders headed in his direction roaring. He had killed a Knogzi, an alien commander. Josh and his team ran toward the rubble of an old building for cover. Running backwards Josh fired his laser gun.

Ppew ! Boom !Pew !Zap ! Boom!

The team ducked as yellow bolts of plasma flew past them.

"Move it !" Yelled Josh. , "Let's get to safety .My GPs shows there a supply bunkers about 200 metres from where we are standing "

The aliens fired a second volley of shots. Josh commanded, "Spread out! It will make it easier to get there."

Drake's team charged to the north but were ambushed on both sides. Yellow plasma fell everywhere as aliens surrounded them. In a few minutes all the humans are obliterated and the feasting began.

Josh's team had greater success. They were able to duck down and remained low since the alien weapons could only reach lower that 2 metres. Finally they almost at the bunker.

Drake shouted "Cover him !" Josh ran inside.

Josh ducked behind a pile of rocks them somersaulted through the air. He landed behind another huge pile of rocks. His team members followed .For a moment it seemed like the enemy fire ceased. He felt relieved. When Josh realized it, it was too late. He was the only surviving member of his team. They had all been sucked up.

He didn't have time to react. He tried to jump and flip away to avoid enemy fire but he was hit.

He shifted back and composed himself. Heavy rounds continued to fire at him as he swerved away from the shots. Josh raised his gun and fired back. He was almost out of shots. He was only a few metres away from the bunker when the largest alien stood above him. His life energy was less than 5 percent. He knew he didn't stand a chance. It was way too late. Josh felt the excruciating pain and he knew what that meant, "GAME OVER!" Josh felt the vibrations of his headset and little electrical sparks zapped through his body as his brain was sucked up by the Knogzi.

"We got to level 250," shouted Drake but we have to get better codes and cheats so we can reach higher levels .

"We got to strategize better Josh. Alien380 keeps beating us for top player." said Tom.

Josh stared outside the sun was beginning to set behind the trees. He noticed how late it was getting .He only had about fifteen minutes to bike home.

  Just before they arrived at the entrance to the lane, they slowed, stopped, and said their goodbyes. Josh dismounted at walked to his cobbled entrance. When he got to the door, he turned the doorknob, and entered. Mom greeted him and asked about his day. Josh ate cold pizza for supper and rushed to his room. He needed to get up early to review his English homework so he went to bed early. He never knew what surprise he would be in for the next day.  

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