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"Oh boy! Drew lamented.

"That's weird. " Olivia voiced, "He has never been late or absent for a class."

"Give it a few minutes maybe he was called to the office. A lot of teachers were called out today." Megan declared.

"Brieann, you're the prefect go find out." suggested Tom.

Brieann took a step toward the door and it slammed shut right in front of her and then all of a sudden, all the lights went out plunging the room into total darkness.

The windows shutters closed blowing a chilling gust of wind among them. There was an eerie silence in the room. Everyone was too paralyzed with fear to react.

"What's going on?" Brieann asked her heart racing. She tried opening the door frantically but the knob fell off. It was still locked. What were they going to do now?

"The knob fell off!" Brieann screamed losing her composure. "The knob fell off!" she repeated.

In the dark, Olivia and twins Jade and Jada felt their way to where Brieann was standing to comfort her.

"Oh God! We're trapped. We all going to die! "Help-somebody! Help us!" "they shrieked. They began screaming hoping that someone on the other side of the door would hear them.

"Josh do something! Hurry up I can't stay here. Please - do something !" Olivia screamed as she grabbed him. Josh always remained calm in any situation. But he knew they were trapped.

Despite being in total panic, Josh nervously, "I'm thinking. Quiet everyone."

"Let's look around to see if we can find anything to help us get out of here."

Just then he noticed a strange glowing light emitting from behind one of the curtains.

"Let's move towards the light." he instructed.

When they move over to look closer, they noticed the light was pulsating in an odd manner.

"Something doesn't feel right,"Bryan said.

"Yes," agreed Drew. " feels like we're on the set of the popular tv show , Name Your Scare."

Megan added " Maybe they are secretly filming us. We could be rich."

"Always got farfetched ideas, Megan. We did to concentrate on getting out of here." Tom uttered.

In the shadowy light, Jada noticed the light came from the glowing jars with organs. The organs are submerged in some kind of liquid and floated eerily.

She screamed, ""

"What the... Pardon my French but what's really going on?"Josh muttered trembling, staring blanking at the jars.

"I don't know but it seems to be getting weirder and weirder by the minute." lamented Jada.

" It's the t.v show guys . We shouldn' t be afraid. This happened on the episode with Stacey and Riley who were stuck in the science lab." Megan retorted.

But no one responded.

Josh stretched out his hand and touched the jar. He felt his fingers freeze then go numb, a strangely pleasurable raw pain that made him wince. It felt like brain freeze except he had not eaten anything cold. Instinctively, he pulled his hand back.

He could only utter breathlessly., "Cold. It's Cold". Then he pushed his hand out and held the jar.

Then he instructed," Each person hold a jar we can use it to light our way around the room."

As the kids held the jar the had the same reaction.

"There's another way out of the room." suggested someone in the dark.

Jada remembered that there was a small corridor that lead out in the theatre.

"I remember how to get out of here. We use the long corridor connecting to the theatre to get here to practise plays."

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