6 -Creepy Crawlers

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Josh stretched and yawned .He did not feel like getting up but he had too. It was almost seven and the school bus passed at eight. He rushed in the bathroom and after headed into the kitchen for breakfast. He opened the fridge and saw it was bear that meant the only thing left was cereal. He grabbed the cereal box from on the top of the fridge and poured some cereal into the bowl of cold milk. Josh shoved the cereal into his mouth like a shovel and swallowed without chewing. It was Monday and he had Mr.Jerkowitz first. He kept pouring more cereal into the bowl.

Suddenly he felt a strange rumbling in his stomach and curled up in a ball. Something was crawling up his throat. It felt like legs. He gagged then out crawled a large flat bug. He retched and began throwing up. But instead of liquid he threw up bugs, lots of them. He looked down at the cereal box and the bowl and noticed hundreds of bugs of all shapes and sizes crawling out. It was a sea of blackness. The bugs made loud sucking, hissing and buzzing sounds. Josh tried his best to squish them but there were too many. They were now crawling all over him and all over the walls. The room darkened with the air thickening. A repugnant rancid smell hung in the room.

Josh knew he could not scream. Screaming meant his mouth would be another open space for them to crawl into. He felt the prickly points of their tiny feet continuous piercing into his skin as they skittered across his body leaving a flurry of bites. Panic surged through him. Josh with all his might dashed out of the kitchen into the corridor that led to the front door. All along the way, the creepy crawlers lined the walls. Slowly inching his way through the army of bugs Josh successfully reached the door. He clutched the handle and turned but it didn't budge. He then realized with all his haste that he had forgotten to take the key off the panel.

There was no turning back. It was hopeless. The army of bugs bored down on Josh. He didn't fight this time. The bugs covered Josh and their weight slowly pushed him to the floor crushing him. His strength was waning and his breathing became shallow and laboured. The light faded. He knew it was over. Using the last bit of strength in his body, Josh pushed up and opened his eyes. He was in a state of confusion and completely disoriented. He was dripping in sweat. He threw off the covers and scanned the room but no bugs. He breathed a sigh of relief. It was only a nightmare. But what if..... this was all real.

"Excellent! Trial one is completed and proved successful!" exclaimed a researcher. "Let's start with subject number 2 "

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