2-Class Sucks

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Josh sat in the back of the classroom bored. He hated history with a passion. He thought to himself, "Who needs history? It's all about people who died long ago. "Ms. Madden kept talking about the founding fathers and how much they contributed to our lives today. Blah !Blah! He kept nodding his head all the time to show that he was paying attention. Ms. Madden seldom called on him instead she only called on those with their heads down.

Josh doodled on the back of his notebook hoping that bell would ring. He stared down at his watch and noticed it was after ten. Boy, Mr.Jerkowitz would be pissed. Josh hated to be late for our English class . Whenever they were late and, most times through no fault of of own, he would lecture them on the importance of honesty and how being late for class was in fact stealing time.

Josh drew a comic strip with Mr.Jerkowitz, the forty year tall bald head teacher reprimanding them .He drew him with his thin glasses that framed his face that sat on his crooked nose. Josh often wondered how his nose got broken but wouldn't dare ask. As he spoke he would gesticulate and speak sternly almost instilling fear. No one dare laugh at his comical undersized and too short black pinstripe pants and white shirt that he wore every day. Josh wondered if these were his only clothing.

The school secretary walked in interrupting the end of class. She approached Ms. Madden and whispered something in her ear and left. Josh used that opportunity to pass Olivia the drawing and they both giggled.

"Mr.Jerkowitz will be expecting you in the drama classroom today for class."

"Good grief! I hope he doesn't lecture us today" Olivia sighed. "After all it was Ms. Madden's fault who only last minute remembered the exam topics for next week."

"Ms. Madden, the eccentric old bird." they chuckled.

Josh and the rest of his class quickly to the drama room. As they entered the class they noticed that Mr. Jerkowitz wasn't there.

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