Chapter I

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Fair warning: Scoff* and or, scoffed*

This is my book, don't steal it or I'll tell on you -_-

Also, there will be grammatical errors, misplaced punctuation, probably some misspelled words. Reading your own work after writing it is a little difficult because you don't catch all of the mistakes you made when scanning through to edit.

*Also likeee, I was a teen when writing this with little experience with relationships and all that jumbo. So please take a lot of this story's themes with a grain of salt. This book is overdue to be rewritten*

Now, please do enjoy. . .

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The taste of immortality is like drinking aged wine. At first, the hint of sweetness overcomes the salivating tongue. But after a few more sips, the bitterness becomes more prominent. It's as if the sweetness you've been waiting years for almost never existed. You're left with well aged wine that's supposed to taste better with time, but alas, it's all the same.

You've waited, but you wonder if it was really worth all the trouble.

Maybe a glass of cheap wine isn't as different as once thought. But the well-aged wine has been purchased, therefore, it must be finished.

That is the bitter-sweet taste of immortality.

With that thought in mind, I took another gulp of bourbon. Fûck wine.

"Forgive my intrusion, Sire, you have a meeting in fifteen minutes with the Hunters and Guardians." I nodded for my secretary's cue to leave. I straightened up my tie and left my office quarters.

In the meeting room were the leading Hunters of Transylvania, and the visiting Guardians. All of them stood with slightly bowed heads.

"As you all know, I will be hosting the celebration for Two Thousand Years of Vampism." Some of the Hunters began to cheer, I remained silent until they finished.

"Vampires will come from all around to get a taste of what we offer here in Transylvania. Only a selected few from the first generations have been invited, none the less, we will have a full castle."

I began to slowly walk around the room. My body instinctively becoming aware of my surroundings.

"What I need from you all is simple. From the Hunters, livestock for our guests; and the Guardians, protection. The celebration will take place in a little less than four weeks. Which means, I expect the dungeon to be full of livestock by the end of that time frame. As for you Guardians, be extremely cautious. I'd also like to thank you for your unconditional protection." I said sincerely.

With a bow of their heads, they answered, "Yes, sire," in unison.

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I sighed tiredly as I cleared my last table for the night.

Home free.

Andrea gave me a sad smile when I entered the break room to clock out.

"You took that extra shift, didn't you?" She asked with a disapproved look.

"I need all the money I can get to get through this school." I said as I slipped on my heavy coat, and hooked my purse over my shoulder.

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